Swedish company has developed a unique home heating system contained within roofing tiles made out of ordinary transparent glass. The attractive house-warming tiles (somewhat ironically) give roofs a beautiful, icy appearance quite unlike anything else we’ve ever seen before. Instead of traditional roof tiles made of concrete or clay, our tiles are made of glass, allowing the sun to shine through onto the absorbing surface underneath. The energy generated is integrated with the building’s existing heating system or electrical grid.
The tiles are fully integrated into the buildings structure and provide an aesthetic and modern feel to any edifice, contrasting widely with the ugly and fractured finish projected by alternate solar technologies, particularly conventional Solar Panels. This innovative technology is very important for the future of the energy on the earth and also for this system The important thing to know about is that it doesn’t need bright sunshine in order to function at high parameters. Take a look how it looks at the pictures below! Enjoy!
via soltechenergy.com
une bonne idée