Emojis We Use In Social Media Chat That We Don’t Get The Real Meaning Of

In an era of social media people start avoiding the eye-to eye conversations changing them with the written communications in chat of social media. Nowadays, even worlds are becoming replacement and instead of them people use ready templates of answers to some questions or just a simple symbol known as emoji. Sometimes you can say a lot without even saying a word, but only sharing emojis. The well known emojis that we all recognize and know their meanings can be used in conversations to share feelings we donā€™t want to use words to explain. But, sometimes there are emojis that we donā€™t really get the right meaning of. Below we have presented you some of the most used symbols that we use, but that have different meaning of the one we believe. Read them.

We all know well this emoji and we all think it is a kiss. But, we are all wrong. This emoji that can be easily mixed up with the same one that has a hearth next to it and that do symbolizes kiss, actually is a sign of whistle. So, the next time you want to share kiss on social media avoid this emoji.


If we want to catch someoneā€™s attention in something written below we usually send this hand showing direction bellow. But, indeed that is not the right meaning of this emoji. This emoji symbolizes a state of under-the-weather mind, or feeling down.


This right-facing fast symbolizes respect and being congratulatory so the next time you want to spend such Ā feelings on social media you can use this emoji.


When we see a red cross we definitely think that someone is banning something to us. And, this is partly true, although this red cross in an English chat can also symbolize, believe or not, a kiss.


Do you sometimes feel like your partner from the other side of the chat is becoming a little arrogant? This is the right emoji to send him/her in such a situation. The symbol below which represents the mask of Tengu, a demon from Japanese mythology demonstrates arrogance and complacency.


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