How to Write an Illustration Essay

Students have to write different essay types. Some of them are boring and others more interesting. Some can be written easily and the others may give you some pain. We believe that everything depends on a person who will write an essay. Thus, an illustration essay may become a real nightmare or a beloved project.

When students cannot handle this assignment, they commonly seek professional support. An essay service with professional writers can solve any difficulties related to academic tasks. A team of ENL essay writers, from CustomWritings, for example, are quick, attentive, flexible, possess the necessary knowledge and skills to write all types of academic assignments of the highest quality. However, you can successfully handle an illustration essay on your own.

Firstly, understand the purpose of this assignment. It demands to select at least one ā€œexampleā€ in the studied area and reveal its qualities. It may be a subject, an event, some phenomenon, etc. Illustrative writing is applied to the cause and effect, classification, and persuasive papers. The main purpose is to disclose a certain problem using examples as illustrations.Ā  You ought to be specific, informative, and detail-oriented. Accordingly, youā€™ll have to do your best to succeed.

Choosing an Interesting Theme to Highlight

Your first objective is to select a good topic. This is the central idea of the entire project and it must be taken seriously. Your topic is supposed to be unique, relevant, problem-focused and/or problem-solving. Choose an issue, which is interesting to read. Accordingly, you should study the subject in what your essay must be written, as well as take into account the preferences of your audience.

Here are several good topics from different academic subjects:

  1. How to Stop Violence in the Street?
  2. The Reasons That Provoke Racism.
  3. Why Feminism May Be Dangerous?
  4. The Advantages of Using Cell Phones in Education.
  5. The Importance of a Coach for the Players.
  6. Illustrate How to Successfully Combine College Athletics and Schoolwork.
  7. How Can College Develop Good Habits in Students?
  8. Illustrate the Meaning of Being in the ā€œFriendship Zoneā€.
  9. A Plain Example of How Education Affects the Future Career.
  10. Illustrate the Work of Non-Profit Organizations.

Youā€™re welcome to use any of these concepts if they are suitable. Using them as examples, you can generate your own ideas. Itā€™s better to brainstorm your future topic. Create a mind map in the form of a tree. The tree has branches with leaves. Each branch should illustrate the points related to the anticipated topic. The leaves offer sub-topics mentioned on the branches. Thus, youā€™ll have all the concepts youā€™ve managed to create right in front of you.

Choose the theme with clear and unique suggestions. Thus, youā€™ll know that other people will be interested in your illustration and that youā€™ll obviously find heaps of supporting materials. Accordingly, you wonā€™t lack good examples.

Make In-Depth Research

Once you select a topic, research it. An illustration essay is a scientific paper. Accordingly, youā€™ll have to justify your viewpoint using approved facts. Accordingly, find relevant information sources. Printed and digital sources are equally effective. You only have to verify every source and understand whether itā€™s suitable for the chosen topic. Itā€™s essential to have advanced reading skills.

Outline Every Step

The next stage is to organize your notes and prepare for writing. You already have a topic and necessary information. These necessities will help to write an adequate outline. It should contain the main writing stages of your project. An illustration essay doesnā€™t differ from other essay types. Accordingly, you donā€™t have to learn a different structure. It is as follows:

  • Introduction
  • Main plot.
  • Conclusion

After youā€™re done with writing, donā€™t forget about the references. The list of used information sources must be obligatorily given after the main text. Thus, you prove that you have done decent research and have operated with approved facts.

Itā€™s vital to consider the assigned writing format. Itā€™ll be APA or MLA. Of course, you may also need Chicago, AP, Harvard, AMA, Vancouver, and some others. Each format has similarities, but you should pay attention to differences. If you donā€™t follow the guidelines, youā€™ll make mistakes that can rid you of many important grades. Make sure you know how to make correct references and insert correct citations.

Donā€™t forget to reread your illustration essay at least twice. Youā€™re welcome to use plagiarism, spelling and grammar checking applications. Thus, youā€™ll be confident that you didnā€™t miss any mistakes or weak parts in your essay.

Some Useful Prompts to Consider

Weā€™d like to provide you with several prompts. They will help to better understand how to complete an illustration essay. Take a look at the following essentials:

  • Avoid jargon, slang, and unknown technical terms;
  • Always explain things that may be unknown to most people;
  • Make your text readable using tables, figures, charts, diagrams, etc.
  • Prefer the active voice to make your text livelier;
  • Donā€™t write too long sentences and paragraphs;
  • Be concise and straight to the point;
  • Highlight your thesis statement early;
  • Donā€™t cram several ideas in a single paragraph;
  • Revise your paper several times to be sure itā€™s free of mistakes.

Try to memorize all the recommendations highlighted in our article. They are very effective and universal. You can freely apply them to any piece of writing, including an illustration essay. Using them, youā€™ll definitely receive the highest grades.

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