Is CrossFit right for you?

Even if you’re not into fitness you’ve probably heard of Crossfit. It may seem like a new type of exercise but it has actually been around for years and is an effective way to boost your fitness and overall health.

Don’t forget that regular exercise has been shown to decrease the risk of contracting several age-related diseases.

It’s not just a form of exercise for fitness, in fact, many physiotherapists are now recommending it as a way to improve recovery after accidents. Just take a look at this reputable  physio in Surry Hills

What Is CrossFit

In order to decide if CrossFit is right for you, you’re going to need to understand what it is. The idea is that you do multiple movements at high intensity. That means putting in maximum effort for short bursts of activity, you should be unable to repeat the movement once you’ve finished the workout.

The movements are based on everyday movements and those that gymnastics use.

But, crucially, the movements are different every day, which keeps your body challenged and increases the effectiveness of every workout.

A good CrossFit workout will incorporate some cardio, some strength training, speed, coordination, and endurance. But, make no mistake, this is a tough workout, it’s not for everyone.

Class Work

Don’t worry, there’s not a theory element. But, CrossFit is done in a class, that means you need to be comfortable working out in a group if you’re not then CrossFit isn’t going to be for you.

Everyone should cheer each other along and the group atmosphere helps everyone push their limits.


The more competitive you are the more you’re likely to enjoy group training, which makes CrossFit the right choice. Of course, if you’re not particularly competitive then CrossFit may not be the right thing for you.

Your Fitness Level

Although there are different levels of classes, you do need to have a basic level of fitness before you can get the most out of CrossFit. That means you may need to work on your fitness a little before you can join the fitness class. If you don’t you may find yourself hopelessly behind and lost.

Of course, there are some that simply thrive and raise their game being dropped in at the deep end.


If your goal is to be fitter and great at CrossFit then this is the exercise for you. But, if you’re hoping to run 5K or a marathon then Crossfit isn’t going to be the best choice.

It’s essential that you consider what your goals are before you start, CrossFit isn’t particularly beneficial if you have a specific goal.

Choose The Right Gym

CrossFit is hard work but it should also be enjoyable. You should check the credential s of the gym you’re thinking of joining to ensure that the CrossFit trainers know what they are doing. You need to have expert tuition, nit someone who has just gained a certificate online. It’s worth verifying before you commit to a class.

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