Preparing Your Child for their First Day in Reception Class

Starting reception class is an exciting milestone for children, but it can also be daunting. While most children are excited about the idea of going to ‘big school’, some may be nervous. As a parent, there are several things you can do to help prepare your child and make their first day go smoothly.

Preparing Your Child for their First Day in Reception Class

Talk Positively About School

In the weeks and months before the big day, start talking to your child about school in a positive way. Get them excited by explaining that school is a place where they will get to make new friends, learn new things, and play lots of fun games. Reassure any worries they may have and encourage them to share any concerns. Keep the dialogue open and honest.

Read Stories About School

There are many great books and stories about starting school that you can read together, like Lulu’s First Day and The Boy Who Loved Everyone. Seeing characters experience the first day of school can help normalise it. Talk about how the characters feel and ask your child how they think they might feel. Check out library books about the school experience and make it a cosy part of your bedtime routine in the preceding weeks.

Arrange Playdates

If possible, try setting up playdates with some of the children who will be attending the same school. This allows friendships to form early and gives your child familiar faces to look for on the first day. When they spot a friend, it can make them feel more at ease. If you don’t know any future classmates, see if the school can connect you with other new reception parents. And if you are fostering in Dundee, see if any of the foster carers in your network have children of a similar age, so you can get together for playdates.

Practice the Routine

In the final weeks before school begins, start adjusting bedtimes and morning routines to match what will be required for school days. Practice waking up on time, getting dressed, and eating a good breakfast. Time the morning to make sure you can stick to the routine. Also, practice the school run so your child knows how you will get there.

Go School Shopping

A big part of the fun and excitement is buying a new school uniform, shoes, and a school bag. Let your child pick out a bag they love and accessories to personalise it. Stock up on school supplies together too. Roleplaying with their new things can be a great confidence booster. Take photos of them wearing their uniform before the first day. Help them learn key skills like tying shoelaces and getting changed for PE.

Pack Together

Let your child help pack their bag the night before school. Include a healthy snack, a water bottle, tissues, and a photo of the family or a comfort object. Having them participate gives a sense of control and ownership. Also, discuss what will happen during pick-up time so they know what to expect.

Preparing your child emotionally is just as important as preparing them practically. With plenty of positivity and reassurance, you can ensure your child feels ready and confident to start their school journey.

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