16 The most romantic destinations for Valentine’s Day

If you think to travel for the Valentine’s Day bellow you will find some ideas of the most romantic places around the world. Make a great journey with your loved ones full with surprises and romantic moments. Enjoy !

1. Bali

When it comes to getting away from it all with the love of your life, there are few places as beautiful and secluded as Bali, with its stunning sunsets over seemingly endless beaches.

a_Bal-a2.The landmark Empire State of New York

The landmark Empire State of New York is the venue chosen every February 14th by New York couples to marry or renew their wedding vows.


3.The Peruvian city of Lima – Parque de Amor – the Love Park

a_lim-aThe Peruvian city of Lima has its own Parque de Amor – the Love Park – where couples gather on Valentine’s Day, particularly around the sculpture ‘The Kiss’, and where they even hold a competition for the longest kiss .

4. Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls, a favorite honeymoon destination for American couples, is made up of different cascades, including the American Falls and the Bridal Veil Falls.


5. Paris

Paris is the city of love par excellence. To get a different perspective on this glamorous location, why not climb the Eiffel Tower or take a boat cruise along the Seine?


6. Rome

Rome is undeniably one of the most chaotic, romantic and all-round delightful cities in Europe, and the perfect place for a romantic getaway.


7. Tahiti

Tahiti offers the greenest of valleys, endless silvery beaches, sapphire lagoons, and romantic bungalows set directly over the sparkling waters.


8. The iconic Taj Mahal

The iconic Taj Mahal must be one of the planet’s most romantic locations, built as it was as by the Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz.


9. Venice

What could be more romantic than a trip in a gondola through the canals of Venice?

a_Veneci-a10. Verona

There can be few places as romantic as Verona, where Romeo and Juliet, the most famous lovers in the world, lived their immortal story


11. Bridge of love in Cologne


12. Vail, Colorado


13. Love, Saskatchewan

Less than 100 people live in the tiny prairie village of Love, Saskatchewan, but come Valentine’s Day, the community is one of the most popular places on the planet. Every February, letters from around the world arrive at Love’s post office in the hopes of receiving the village’s famous stamp cancellation – a teddy bear holding a heart. With the postmark in place, the Valentine’s cards and letters continue on their journey to their intended recipients around the globe. Requests have flown in from China, France, Germany, Hungary, Turkey, Australia, Russia and many other countries.love_3source

14. Miami One of America’s Most Romantic and Sexiest Cities


15. Barcelona

On Valentine’s Day, it is Barcelona calling you! The gypsy songs and dance, it is fast, groovy and will promise you a day of fun and frolic. 7-most-romantic-places-around-the-world-to-go-on-valentines-day-barcelonasource

16. Buenos Aires

Tango does not only happen in Paris. Buenos Aires is the birthplace of this dance of seduction. The boulevards, cafes and fine dining are the hall mark of this romantic destination. It’s a perfect ambiance for your Valentine celebration. 7-most-romantic-places-around-the-world-to-go-on-valentines-day-buenos-airessource

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