3 Alternatives To Buying An RV

RVs are a popular way for people to camp and travel.  Traveling in an RV and seeing the countryside is an extremely popular family vacation.  You can see a lot, spend time together and take time with each other.  However, buying an RV is a huge expense that is quite an investment for a young family.  It also takes up a lot of space in the driveway.  RVs require quite a bit of maintenance and if you don’t plan on using it a lot, then why spend your time taking care of it?   If you plan to just go on a single vacation then the investment of an RV is probably not worth it.  However, you can actually rent an RV.   But, if driving something this large then you might want to look at maybe hotelling it or find vacation rentals.  And, of course, you can camp in a tent, which will allow you to drive your own car.

RV Rentals

RV Rentals will allow you to have that dream family vacation without all the costs of actually owning an RV.  You will have the cost of the extra gas, but there is just something to be said when traveling in an RV.  Your family can sit back and watch the countryside go by without being cramped in a car.  Need lunch?  You have your kitchen with you, not a problem.   This allows you to save a lot on food as well!   Cooking while out on the road is something that is worth the additional cost.  RV rentals from https://www.rvngo.com/RV-Rentals/ will be a low-cost way to take the entire family out on the road.  Keep in mind that you won’t have to pay high hotel rates and you won’t be sleeping in uncomfortable tents.  However, we will be looking at those options as well.

Hotel Accommodations

Hotel and vacation rentals are another option.  This option doesn’t travel with you as the RV rental would.  It is also more expensive than the RV rental more than likely.  You can make your food at some of the hotels and vacation rentals but you have to go back to eat and then return to what you were exploring or doing.

Tent Camping

Tenting is sounding fun, but when you really start to do it, it might become very obvious that this was not a good idea for your family.  Before you set out to go camping with your family we do recommend that you do a backyard run. This will ensure that you have everything.  This will further prepare the kids, as sleeping in tents can be a challenge for kids.  This style is at least closer to traveling in an RV, you will be staying at campgrounds, which you should book ahead of time.  You will not be able to make your lunch on the go as easily either.

Both hoteling it and tenting it means that you will have to haul along a cooler if you want to bring food that has to stay cold.  This means there is ice and you will need to maintain that ice.  With an RV rental, you don’t have this added task, you have a refrigerator that is on board that can keep everything cool for you.  Bringing along food will certainly keep the expenses down, especially if you are a larger family.   This is something to consider when deciding if you want to rent an RV, grab a tent or plot your hotel stays.

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