Creative Easter Inspired Breakfast Ideas For Every Morning Until Easter

It is Easter coming in less than two weeks. Because of the corona virus outbreak and the fact that we have to stay at home during the biggest part of the day, we sometimes feel like the it counts an eternity to finish the day and come the next one. Especially kids that donā€™t go to school anymore can feel too bored at home. In order to make their day pass fast here we recommend you some interesting way to start the day, every day since now to Easter. The majority of the children going to school have their breakfast right there. But, now when they are at home, you can surprise them every day with a healthy, delicious and very creative breakfast.

Scroll down the page to see what we are talking about. We have prepared for you a gallery full with Easter magic and surprises your kid will adore. See all these amazing Easter inspired breakfast ideas that you can prepare for your children every day. Start now and count until Easter with different creative breakfast. The day will bass by fast and your kids will adore eating a scrambled eggs bunny, or banana bunnyā€™s ears or hard boiled eggs chickenā€¦ or whatever comes into your mind and can relate with Easter. You will see how your breakfast time will fast become their most favorite part of the day and how fun you will take all together discovering new ideas for the next morning breakfast. Enjoy.

1. Scrambled eggs bunny


2. Easter bunny fairy bread


3. Cinnamon-sugar Easter bunny twists


4.Ā  Easter bunny oatmeal


5. Healthy Easter egg breakfast pops


6. Egg in a nest


7. Easter eggs yolk


8. Hard boiled egg chicks


9. Healthy strawberry puree with coconut yogurt


10. Bagel bunnies


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