3 Things you need to make your house more homey

If you are looking for ways to make your house that little bit more comfy, homey and cozy, then look no further! This article aims to give you some helpful, practical tips, tricks, and advice to do just that, and they are easier than you might think.

make your house more homey

  1. Add plenty of cozy lighting throughout the house

One way to elevate the homey-ness of your house is by using the correct and appropriate lighting for the goal you are trying to achieve. Lighting can massively influence and alter the ambiance of a room and the entire house. There are common lighting mistakes you should avoid, which include:

  • Relying on only one light source. If you want to achieve maximum coziness, you need to layer lights at different heights and use a variety of light sources. Ideally, you want to use warm pools of light as these can help create intimacy and draw people in.
  • Using overhead lights that are too bright. You do not want people in your home to feel like they are on a stage and being watched. If you use really bright overhead lights, this can create that effect. This is because that kind of lighting can be harsh and extremely unflattering.
  • Forgetting about dimmers. A dimmer switch is one of the best ways to create drama, atmosphere, and intrigue in a room. They are advantageous as the atmosphere that they create can easily be switched and alerted depending on the feel of the room.
  1. A dog!

Believe it or not, pets, especially dogs, have the ability to add a lot of warmth to a house. Therefore, dogs have the ability to transform a house into a home. This is because dogs:

  • Can create happiness and stress relief. Pets, particularly dogs, have the ability to bring joy, happiness, and laughter from owners. So, having a furry companion can help the house become a happier one and feel fuller.
  • Are a cause of excitement. When you own a dog, there is never a dull moment! Whether they are playing and barking by themselves or distracting you when you are on the sofa watching television, dogs have magnetic personalities and, therefore, can be very exciting pets!

So, if you do not already own one, you should definitely consider and invest in purchasing a dog; you will not regret it! If you do not know where to start, it is recommended that you look on snowypineswhitelabs.com for the options available there. If you do make the great choice of getting one, make sure to take great care of your dog.

  1. Stoke the fire

Another great way to make your house more homey is by having a fireplace. If you are fortunate enough to have a fireplace, consider yourself very lucky, as not all have the privilege. Fireplaces can definitely make your house feel snugger and more comfortable. If you have one, take full advantage of it and make sure it is well fuelled and kept lit. If you do not have one, you should certainly consider investing in a fireplace.

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