5 Questions To Ask Your Real Estate Agents       

The springtime boost in property selling is just beginning, and many homeowners will be spending the next few weeks ensuring their homes are ready to put on the market.

Part of that preparation time will be spent finding an excellent real estate agent, so to do so, asking these six questions will help you find the best one for you.

How Long Are Your Houses On The Market?

This is an important question to ask when you first meet an estate agent, as it will give you some indication as to how long you can expect it to take them to sell your house.

Of course, this isn’t an exact science, your house might be an incredible buy and go very quickly, or it might be in a tougher prospect and take much longer to sell.

Asking this question may lead to a discussion about what your realtor plans to do to help your house sell, which is an important thing to learn

How Can I Improve My House For a Showing?

Staging a house for sale has become quite commonplace these days, and it’s worth doing. Some estate agents, such as Orangeville real estate agents, Jen Jewell, will have a complimentary service to help you stage your house ready for selling.

It’s not always about staging either; consider those last-minute bits of DIY you need to do, as well as improving your front yard to maximize curb appeal too. Asking this question helps you figure out the vital improvements you need to optimize your selling potential.

What Is This House’s Unique Selling Point?

Every home has something unique about them. Maybe it’s an extra-large bathroom or close proximity to amenities. It could even be that the sun shines perfectly in the conservatory at 4 o’clock every day in the summer, it could be anything!

The trick here is to know what it is and make the most of it. If the sun does shine perfectly at that point, make sure you get the most likely buyers around at just that moment to show it off! Plus, this question is an excellent way to figure out how passionate your estate agent is, which is a critical characteristic for them to have

What Precautions Are You Taking Due To COVID-19?

An important question you would probably never thought to ask before last year, but you need to know how what their attitude to health and safety is when showing people around.

Will they create a video tour for you to minimize the chance of random strangers in your house, will they provide hand sanitizer, and supervise viewers to ensure they don’t touch things? This is an important consideration, especially now when we’re almost at a tipping point with this virus.

Do You Sell Many Houses In This Price Range?

This is a loaded question. It’s not so much about the houses they sell, but more about their experience in your particular price range and area.

Many realtors are happy to show you photos of their expensive houses, and most of those houses will sell themselves, but you need to see what they will do to make sure houses like YOURS look as good as they possibly can, which is why you need to ask this question.

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