8 Major Recommendations For Incoming College Students

Choosing a major could be a tough decision to make, especially if you never really thought about what kind of career you want to pursue. The first thing that you have to consider before picking a major, is to find out what you like.Among various recommendations, college students with entrepreneurial ambitions might consider starting a business. If California is your home state, here’s how to start an llc in california – a great step towards combining education with entrepreneurship. During your high school, you might find out that there are certain classes or topics that you are interested in. You can try to start listing 10 things that you love, both inside and outside the classroom.

Recommendations For Incoming College Students

Afterward, you need to also make a list of your strengths and weaknesses. Figuring this out can help you to assess what kind of major you want to go to. You might want to choose a major that you think you might excel in, rather than a major in which you know you donā€™t have the capacity to do so. For example, if public speaking is not really your strong suit and you tend to shy away from the crowd, you probably want to avoid majors that could lead to careers such as spokesperson. But rest assured and do not worry, here are 10 recommended majors for everyone who is still unsure on what to choose.


Consider majoring in psychology if you have an interest in human behavior and their mind. You will build both quantitative and qualitative skills as a psychology major. Along with gaining knowledge of research and data analysis, you’ll also improve your communication, critical thinking, and writing skills. Many psychology graduates work as social workers, mental health counselors, and human resources in a company.

Liberal Arts

Liberal arts may be the best choice for you if you are unsure of your career goals after graduation. With this type of major, you will have more flexibility in class selection. You can take classes on race, gender, foreign languages, culture, and more. Liberal arts majors will help to improve student’s ability to communicate, collaborate, do research, and their critical thinking. Liberal arts majors can further pursue their education or acquire on-the-job training to become teachers, salesperson, or even find employment at a museum. There are many varied pathways for liberal arts majors.


The field of communications is also very broad. You will learn a lot of things when majoring in communication. From a way to develop a business relationship, plan campaigns comprehensively, and also how to produce and write news articles and press releases. You will learn how to develop skills in public speaking, writing, interpreting, and problem-solving. These skills are very important and necessary for communication graduates.

During your time at university, you might also need to choose a specific focus in communications. If you want to work in a business setting, then you might want to focus on business and industrial relations. If you love communicating through words rather than speaking, then you might want to focus on journalism or advertising. With a communications major you have a variety of job options, such as a public speaker, press secretary, digital marketing specialist, and many others.

Interior Design

If you have the passion or know how to draw well then maybe this major is worth looking for.Ā  An interior design degree can help to open many career paths for you. You might consider working in residential design for houses, and commercial and industrial design for corporate offices. Related careers include regional and city space planning, landscape architecture, and museum exhibit design. You might also want to consider majoring in interior design and build company on your own


Consider a business degree if you’re unsure of your career goals but want to acquire useful abilities for the workplace. Business majors have a ton of employment opportunities to choose from.Ā  Regardless of whether you want to work in a company, a nonprofit, or even start your own business, all organizations need business-minded individuals to ensure smooth daily operations. With a degree in business, you may pursue a career as a business operation specialist, financial analyst, or sales.


You are prepared for a variety of contexts with an English degree. You’ll gain knowledge of critical thinking, text analysis, and how to write effectively to capture attention. Many people who major in English, work as teachers, editors, and copywriters.


If biology was your favorite subject in high school, you might want to major in it in college. You’ll investigate the environment and living things, put theories to the test, analyze facts from science, and compile your findings into lab reports. Students majoring in biology will need to develop their critical thinking and research analysis skills. With a biology degree, you can work as a conservation scientist, disease researcher, or cellular biologist. This major is currently on the rave and has a promising career pathway!

Computer Science

People with degrees in computer science are always in demand. The employment rates for people majoring in computer science are higher than in other majors. If you are still unsure of what you want to do, you might want to consider choosing this major.

Choosing a major can be nerve wrecking. But you donā€™t have to put much pressure on yourself, because if you do -you will only set yourself up to become more anxious and worried. You can also discuss this matter with your parents, family, or counselor. Therefore you might get a better idea of what you want to do in the future.

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