Best Mall Kiosk Ideas

Since very early time mall kiosks have been into business. Due to the economic recession, mall kiosks have gained more popularity in the recent times. Not only small scale businesses, even big brands consider mall kiosks as a potential opportunity.

Due to higher traffic in the malls, business vendors can expect good sales in the malls.

Here are a few best mall kiosk ideas

When you are planning to start a business, then try considering some of these mall kiosk business opportunities, as they do not require a huge investment:

Ice Cream

This is one of the best business ideas for your mall kiosk. You can start a mall kiosk for popsicles with a big display to attract customers. So, make sure to attract children with attractive design to your kiosk.

Fast Food Service

You can offer ready-made fast food items like sandwiches, pizza, and burgers. These kinds of kiosks bring in a great business, as a lot of customers get tired and hungry after shopping for long hours in the mall.

Sweet Candies

Sweet candy is one of the popular business models in malls. You can pick the candy kiosk and mix it with a colourful design.

Milk Bubble Tea

You can offer tea drinks that can be purchased and prepared at home. This kind of kiosk can pour in more profits and also has higher profit margin compared to other business models. With less investment, you can generate more revenue and high sales.

Fresh Juice

Fresh fruit juice is one of the favourite product for any customer. You can set up a smoothie and juice kiosk in the centre of the mall to attract more customers. Make sure that the kiosk is designed transparent so that customers can see the entire process of juice preparation. This makes them more confident of the juice quality being served to them.

Potato Kiosk

Potato fries are one of the best snacks that can be served to the casual shoppers in the mall. Moreover, potato snacks are the most loved food items among customers worldwide. This kiosk also requires very less investment and has the potential to draw more profits to your business.


Chocolates are the most popular food items that are loved by kids when shopping in a mall. You can start a prepacked chocolate kiosk that can make kids fall in love with your kiosk.

Small Gift Kiosk

You can start a small gift kiosk where you need not learn any special skills. A small gift kiosk can be anything that produces custom fashion accessories.

These are some of the best mall kiosk ideas that have the potential to bring in good revenue for small business.

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