Healthy Morning Routine For Energized, Positive and Productive Life

What is your usual morning routine after you wake up in the morning? Is grabbing your mobile phone and checking notifications the first thing you do after you open your eyes? Do you feel anxious and stressed in the morning that makes your day even harder later? If you start your day with negative and stressful habits it is more than sure that your day wonā€™t be perfect too. In order to have a positive and productive day, start with some healthy morning habits. Below are presented some of them. They lead to less stressful day and less stressful life so we recommend you to follow them and get the healthy life you have always dreamed of. These morning routines will fill your day with energy, positive vibes and productivity. You will notice the difference only after few day of practicing them.

Exercise or have some morning walk

Exercising is definitely the best way to start your day and keep it good until the nigh. People who practice moving and exercising early in the morning has said that they feel more positive during the day compared to the days they donā€™t exercise. In order to have more positive and productive day we recommend you to take a 20 minutes to half an hour walk or to have some 20 minutes workout every morning. Your body and mind will be grateful to you.


You are what you eat. And according to the most of the nutritionists breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so be very careful to not skip it. Also, try to include all the needed nutrients in your breakfast such as lean proteins, healthy fats and whole grains. They will keep you energized during the whole day, and will help you control your weight. Healthy breakfast means healthy life. Here are some of the ingredients you need to include in your breakfast to make it healthier: Ā eggs, Greek yogurt, oatmeal, berries, Chia seeds, flax seeds, avocados, nuts, and nut butters.


One of the best ways to start your day is with a short morning meditation. Only five to ten minutes in the morning will release you all the stress you carry on your shoulders. Meditation has the power to distance you from everything negative you are thinking on, help you provide mental and emotional freedom from the stressful life you live every day. Try to meditate at least ten minutes at the morning and you will immediately see the difference in your body and mental health.


Is grabbing your smart phone and checking the notifications the first thing you do at the morning after you wake up? If yes, stop doing it immediately. By doing it, you are actually starting your day according to someone elseā€™s terms instead of planning the day in front of you based on your own wishes and needs. That is why we recommend you to detach yourself from technology the first one hour after you wake up. You will see how much more positive, productive and peaceful your day will be.


More and more people practice journaling. They write their own journal to align their daily actions with their goals and ambitions. People wanting to achieve higher goals try to write them on paper so that they can remember them better and do anything possible to achieve them. If you want being more successful in accomplishing your goals, then find ten minutes in the morning, and write down all your life goals and daily plans that will lead to making them real. You will see that it will become easier for you to accomplish your goals once you wrote them down the paper.


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