Flowers are a special gift for any special occasion in your life. A bouquet of different types of flowers can bring you a good mood, as well as enjoy the pleasant scent that comes out of the flowers by drinking your morning coffee. Whether you have received a bouquet of flowers for prom night, anniversary, diploma or you’ve bought a bouquet at the table to refresh your space you will want to enjoy them as long as possible. A bouquet of flowers can light up your room, bringing freshness into your space. But we all know that the fresh flower does not last long, ie it does not have a long life span. So, in order to keep your bouquet that you have received for some occasion more fresh and nice, we will give you a few tips on how to achieve it.
Get a clean vase filled with water and trim the stems. Then immediately place the trimmed ends in the water. In this way the flowers will be fresher. Take certain products such as baking soda, aspirin, vodka, sugar, soft drinks that you have in your household that you can add in the water in order to keep your flowers fresh longer. Below we are going to present you some products that can help your flowers last longer.
In a vase with flowers, wrap around ¼ cup of soda. The sugar that is present in the soda will make them last longer and be fresh for longer
2.Hair Spray
The hair spray not only keeps your hairstyle in good condition after a long time, but it also contributes to the flower bouquet to be fresh longer. So spray from the hair spray only on the lower sides of the leaves and the leaves. That way you will keep the whole flowers fresher for longer time.
3.Apple Cider Vinegar
We all want to keep the fresh flowers as long as possible. We can do this with the help of apple cider vinegar. Mix two tablespoons of vinegar with two tablespoons of sugar and add them to the vase. Then put the flowers
Preserving flowers, as long as possible with the help of vodka is also an interesting trick that you can try at home. In the vase, place a few drops of vodka and a tablespoon of sugar. Sweep the water every other day, and your flowers will be fresh.
Your fresh flowers will last longer if you add ¼ tsp white quartz to the vase with one liter of water. This will prevent the growth of bacteria and keep the water clean
To keep your flowers for a longer time, add fresh copper and sugar to a vase full of water. Copper acts as an acidize, which prevents the growth of bacteria.
Dissolve three tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons white vinegar for a quart in hot water. Then add the mixture to the vase, 7-10 centimeters, or until it is not covered with trimmed stems. Sugar feeds the plants, while vinegar inhibits bacterial growth. You will be surprised how long the flowers will stay fresh
Take aspirin and wash it in small pieces. Then crush the aspirin in a vase with water. Do not forget to change the water from your vase every 2-3 days.