Inspiring Ways Of Celebrating The International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is held on March 8th every day. It is the day when we celebrate the social, cultural, economic and political achievements of women. There are different ways of celebrating this day and showing women their worth. Read some inspiring ways to celebrate the International Woman’s Day in the article below.


This year’s official theme of IWD, #EachforEqual, encourages men and women everywhere to take groundbreaking steps for gender equality. The them this year refers to the responsibility we all have in fighting for our own thought and actions in order to achieving the aims each of us have set for herself.


Join a march

The best and most symbolic way to celebrate the international woman’s day is to organize or to join a march. In order to fight for their rights women all around the world organize events on this day. The strikes women participate in, encourages them to fight against gender violence, racism, police brutality… They express their fight for labor rights, reproductive justice, environmental justice…


Read compelling books written by women

Another way to celebrate the IWD is to read some book written by a female author.  You can explore the Internet to find out the bestsellers for the current year, or you can find some classics that have marked the humanity. You can also host a book club together with your feminine friends and read and share the experiences form some book together.


Celebrate women in film

It is not a secret that the film industry is still profoundly dominated by men, both actors and directors. The gender pay gap is also a public secret, and everybody knows that some actresses have been paid sometime three times less than their male colleagues just because they are women. This women dedicated day we recommend you to watch an amazing film by a female director or one with female-centric cast. This way you will show the whole female gender that you do appreciate their work.


Donate to your local women’s refuge

If you really want to help women and celebrate their special day, why don’t you think about making a donation to your local women or children refuge center? That way you will not only celebrate the day but will also help saving lives in need.


Do something kind for a woman you love

We all have some women in our live that we love the most in the world. This day is a perfect time to show your love to your loved ones. Send some flowers, write a post card with wishes, invite her to a dinner or to the cinema… or do whatever you feel will make your dear one feel being loved.




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