Samsung The Frame TV Review: Very Impressive

One of the hottest electronic devices to hit the stands in the last few months is the Frame TV. While not completely a new concept, the development made me want to try it out and compare the details of this piece of appliance with ones that I already own. Currently, I have an OLED television set from a rival company that is 65 inches wide. I intend to pit it against Samsung the Frame TV and try to compare results.

Samsung The Frame TV – At a First Glance

The first striking thing that got my intention about the Frame TV is the frame itself. I am not quite big on the interior design of things but I still intend to indulge myself with this feature. And while indeed, I found it quite a nifty trick to have especially when trying to color match the room with instead of a big chunk of hardware lodged in the middle of the living room, there was something else that surprised me more. The picture itself when watching was actually quite impressive when not using it as a frame but watching it as a TV.

Upon buying the picture, I had one of the guys from the store take a look at it to make sure that it is working as intended and there we saw the marvelous pictures that rival even television sets that was specifically geared towards picture quality. I knew I was holding something special because even the tech guys who must have seen a countless number of television models was impressed. We tried playing a 4K video on it and pictures were simply surreal. And we also tried to play local cable on it where it was supposed to play 1080P, but to my surprise it actually still looked like 4K. The television might actually upscaled the 1080P to a 4K to further take advantage of the beautiful output.

At this point, my OLED TV was already fighting a losing battle and I thought it would be nice to further investigate the Frame TV and look at the other features that it supports.

Samsung The Frame TV – Sound quality

Not every television set banks on the quality of the on board audio because people normally use detached sound bars to make sure that they get the best quality. But the Frame TV actually had a decent enough sound which prompted me to not even consider finding a sound bar for it. The reason for this, as I am told, is that the Frame TV is meant to blend in with the environment. If you had to connect it to an external device, then it would appear more bulky and could ruin the fact that it was supposed to be seen as a simple frame in the first place.

Sound quality aside, the connector box that it came with did have a rich number of options for the frame to be connected to when choosing other audio output. You have to be wary about the thin connection from the box back the the frame TV however as it may not be able to handle large wattage of electricity passing through it judging by the diameter.

Samsung The Frame TV – Aesthetic Design

The frame itself is quite pretty and it puts a cherry on top of an already impressive product. While personally I found the product more appealing because of its technical features, the visual aspect of it is not bad at all. I am sure that someone working in interior design would have a field day over plenty of options that he or she would have to work with.

In the Frame side of the television, you will be able to choose from a wide range of artwork to make sure that the picture would work in whatever wall you intend to put it in. You have to pay a certain premium however if you wish to gain access to a wider range of galleries that Samsung offers. You can start off with a free trial on the first month so you can see if the feature is worth it for you. As I am writing this, I am currently on the second week of my trial and have so far impressed my guests with the quality of the frames. They are so good that they did not look like they did not look digital at all. Try showing it to one of your guests and lead them to believe that you bought a painting. Then quickly change frames or revert it back to TV mode and the reaction would be priceless.

There are a few frame colors that you can choose from to make sure that you are not going to ruin the combination of colors of your living room. As for those who prefer a simple yet sleek looks, they offer plain white and black frames that would work greatly with modernly designed homes. For a classic look, you can choose dark brown wood or light brown wood. These frames however do come with an additional expense so it may be best to settle on a single color if you do not intend to move the television around anyway. I chose the dark wood add-on frame as it makes for a fine centerpiece on my cabin inspired living room. It is quite pricey but the quality of it makes it worth it.

Samsung The Frame TV – Installation

As with any new piece of home fixture, the trouble usually lies in its installation. As both an appliance and a decor, Samsung has gone out of its way to make sure that the Frame TV will not go against any of the existing designs that you already have in your living room.

The first thing that striked me out the most is the elegant mount that it comes with. When you hang it on the wall, it does not leave any angle at all. This means that the frame will be pretty to look at no matter the angle that you put it in. It also reinforces the fact that it can seamlessly double as a picture frame when not in use. As for the cables, Samsung created a connector box that connects to the television using a thin, almost invisible wire. The connector box then holds the meat of all the configurations like USB ports, audio jacks and power.

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