Want a life full of fun and adventure? A peek inside a travel nurses’ job!

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all” is a famous saying by Helen Keller. Traveling Nurses are a popular choice for those who seek to help people all around the world and enjoy adventure. Traveling around the world for your occupation though, can present a lot of challenges, but at the same time, a whole lot more of benefits.

Traveling nurses get paid a whole lot more than a regular staff nurse. The average U.S. Licensed LPN salary is $47,710, while a traveling nurse who works for 36 weeks, makes $101,288! That is a huge difference. You work less and get paid more. In addition, you generally get many more benefits, such as paid traveling costs, medical assistance, and fee housing.

Need a job as a travel nurse? That is easy to find! It is high demand and people are eager to hire. There are countless of agencies, like TravelNursing, that can help nurses find a job depending on their destination of interest. California, Washington D.C., Florida, and Arizona are some of the top favorite places traveling nurses choose. They are all full of fun and excitement with some famous attractions!

Packing appropriately for travel can make this adventure a whole different experience. Make sure to find out what you housing accommodations provide (towels, linen etc.) so you do not need to pack unnecessary items. A few basics to remember to pack regardless of your accommodations are:

  1. Scrubs! Find out what the requirements are for your job uniforms. Male nurses have it hard to find mens scrubs since the nursing industry is currently dominated by females. Murse World is a site that gears exclusively to male nurses and will ship worldwide. It’s a great store to keep in mind while traveling.
  2. Documents! That includes your driver’s license, insurance card, birth certificate, nursing license, and social security card. Make sure to keep it in a safe place, so as not to lose them.
  3. Your phone, laptop, or any other electronic device that you desire. – Don’t forget their chargers!
  4. Any clothing you will need – make sure to do some research on the climate.
  5. If you need any meds, toiletries, or items you need on a constant basis.

Some disadvantages to keep in mind before you fly off to tour the world, is if you have a family. It can get tricky with finding the balance of work life and family. These days with facetime, skype and technology it gets really easy to stay in touch. But homesickness it definitely a factor to consider. Also, if you’re a structured person, and need a daily constant routine, it can be difficult with traveling the world. This job needs flexibility. I would suggest writing a daily planner to help keep a routine. There are plenty of apps that you can download to help you with that.

Adventures are daring, but so rewarding. Get yourself a support group and shoot for the stars. It will make life all the more exciting and rewarding. Being a travel nurse will give you the life adventure and a chance to help the world. Literally. For more information, head over to a Travel Nursing Agency.

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