10 Most Incredible,Unusual and Dangerous Journeys To School In the World

If you think that the journeys to school in your town are hard because of the traffic or maybe when it is a rainy day or some other reason you should first check these examples below.
In some part of the world journeys to school can be a hard-won luxury. Many children throughout the world have to take the most incredible and unimaginable routes in order to receive the education that some of us may take for granted. These kids are heroes that want to be educated. Watch the photos to see how their everyday school journey looks.

Riding anĀ auto rickshaw toĀ school, Beldanga, India

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Traveling onĀ the roof ofĀ aĀ wooden boat inĀ Pangururan, Indonesia

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AĀ 125-mile journey toĀ aĀ boarding school through the mountains, Pili, China

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Going toĀ school onĀ aĀ canoe, Riau, Indonesia

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Through the forest across aĀ tree root bridge, India

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Riding aĀ bull toĀ school, Myanmar

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Schoolchildren Climbing On Unsecured Wooden Ladders, Zhang Jiawan Village, Southern China

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Kids Flying 800m On A Steel Cable 400m Above The Rio Negro River, Colombia

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School Girls Walking Across A Plank On The Wall Of The 16th Century Galle FortĀ In Sri Lanka

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Pupils Crossing A Damaged Suspension Bridge, Lebak, Indonesia


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