3 Main Ways a Groom Can Help Out on the Wedding Day

The big day has finally arrived, and you’re ecstatic. All the months of preparation, looking at bridal magazines that you had absolutely no interest in, and saying “whatever you think is best” at least 550 times, are finally over.

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All that’s left to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy the day, and maybe enjoy some cake and punch later, right? Wrong.

For the groom, your wedding day is all about making sure the wedding day is memorable for you and your bride, and whatever you have to do to make that happen is exactly what you need to be doing on your wedding day.

Protect Your Bride

There will, inevitably, be things that go wrong or come up unexpectedly on your wedding day. If nothing does, at least as far as you know, it’s just because someone else already took care of it without telling you.

As the groom, if you are made aware of a situation that is occurring, you must do everything in your power to ensure your bride doesnā€™t need to worry aboutĀ  these issues.

No one is coming to see you, except for her, and maybe your close relatives, and, so, the last thing she needs while getting ready is to be making dozens of last-minute decisions that will only add stress and concern to her day. Keep her radiant, stress-free, and totally happy by taking care of issues yourself, or finding someone (other than her) who can.

If an issue does come up that your bride absolutely must be made aware of, let her know gently. She doesn’t need to know you’re stressing out about stuff, as that will only cause her stress. You can also relay the information to a bridesmaid or parent, so they can subtly and gently help her reach a decision on the issue.

Surprise and Delight

Speaking of keeping people happy, your groomsmen should not be forgotten in your wedding-day preparations. Many of these gentlemen have likely traveled a long way just to stand up for you on your big day. Acknowledge their sacrifices and their friendship by going all out to find good groomsmen gift ideas.

As these men have been chosen by you to stand up with you on the most important day of your life, it’s assumed that you have at least some sort of deep bond with them. You probably know a little more about them than your average friend, and you should use this information to get them a gift that they’ll truly appreciate, and, more importantly, actually use more than once.

Instead of a tie (unless they’re really into that sort of thing), personalize each gift to each groomsmen, whether it’s something absurd or more serious. The possibilities are as wide as an individual’s personality, so let your imagination set the pace, only reined in by the size of your wallet.

Be a Present Assistant

Whatever you do on your wedding day, do not take the time before the ceremony starts to just kick up your feet and wait for things to happen. Hopefully, your true character will compel you to help in last-minute preparations as much as possible, but, if nothing else, remember that this is possibly the largest collection of your bride’s family and friends you will ever encounter at once.

They are watching your every move to see if your actions reflect the kind of character your bride has told them you have, and if you’re bumming it up, instead of helping alongside them, that will tell them, in their minds, all they need to know.

So, be present. If those in charge need someone to keep lonely Aunt Edna company, you go find Aunt Edna and have a conversation with her. If they need someone to do something that you absolutely have no skills at whatsoever…get out of the way and let someone else do it.

Perhaps the only thing worse than being viewed as a bum is being viewed as an incompetent know-it-all. Don’t be overbearing, don’t get in the way, but do help every chance you get. If you can’t get it together on your wedding, day, they’re not going to have very high hopes for you in the days and years that follow.

You will enjoy your wedding day, no matter what happens. Help yourself, your bride, and everyone else present on your wedding day get the most enjoyment out of it, as well. Put yourself out there, do the hard work, and then enjoy your much deserved getaway with your bride.

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