5 Reasons to Visit Sicily Now

If you have been touring Italy, I presume you have enough reasons not to ignore the most fascinating island of this country: Sicily. The tourist spot is famous for its savory food, pleasant climate, beaches, unique artwork, and scenic beauty. That’s not all, though! If you’re planning a vacation, Sicily is a destination worth considering. It’s one of the exhilarating spots in Italy, and the list of things to do in Sicily is endless.

Check out reasons to tour Sicily now!

1. Accommodation that fits your budget

If touring on a budget, you never have to worry about accommodation in Sicily. From restaurants, apartments and villas, you’ll be spoilt for choice. For instance,Ā Select Sicily VillasĀ are an excellent way to experience the island. Most villas and apartments offer a stunning view and come with unique features for a more comfortable stay.

Luxury Villa Casa Alba - Select Sicily

2. Food& Culinary delights

If you have a sweet tooth for food and wine, Sicily is a place worth visiting. Whether you love hotel buffets or street food, you can get this and more, and the food is incredible. Can I tell you more? Sicilian food is fresh and mostly seasonal. Itā€™s different from what youā€™ll get in the further northern part, and this is because itā€™s mostly influenced by Greeks, Arabs, and the Spanish. Fish is common in most Sicilian dishes, and itā€™s a staple in any Sicilian menu. Examples of the best foods to taste during your trip include; Pasta Alla Norma, Arancini, Caponata, Cannoli, Cassata, Granitaā€¦ thereā€™s so much to taste! If you are unable to make to it Greece at this time, try some Greek food in Cincinnati.

15 must try Sicilian food - best Sicilian dishes

It’s different from what you’ll get in the further northern part, and this is because it’s mostly influenced by Greeks, Arabs, and the Spanish. Fish is common in most Sicilian dishes, and it’s a staple in any Sicilian menu. Examples of the best foods to taste during your trip include; Pasta Alla Norma, Arancini, Caponata, Cannoli, Cassata, Granitaā€¦ thereā€™s so much to taste!

3. Stunning beaches

Sicily is a Mediterranean destination that draws visitors from all parts of the globe. It’s a perfect holiday spot and is a place that you can tour at any time of the year. Whether you want to vacation in summer or winter, Sicily is a place worth considering.

There are over 200 fine beaches on the island, and choosing the best can be daunting. Nevertheless, you can be sure to have a remarkable experience no matter your choice. You’ll get the beaches in different colors; some are secluded inlets surrounded by rugged landscapes and white sands. Examples of the top Sicilian beaches include Mondello, CefalĆ¹, Eloro Beach, Calamosche, Isola Bella in Taormina, Catania, and much more.

4. Magnificent landscapes

Sicily is synonymous with stunning rocky cliffs, mountains, snowy peaks, icy glaciers, and valleys. These are features that you won’t in any other part of the world. Whether you plan to walk on the rugged paths or cobblestoned streets, you can be sure to get astounded by the beautiful landscape and countryside.

5. Unique art

Art forms an integral apt of Sicily and Italy as a whole. It was strengthened and refined during Roman times. For instance, Raphael and Leonardo greatly influenced the Renaissance period, making Italy a wealth of unique art pieces and works. The most famous artworks that you expect to see in Sicily include:

The Dancing Satyr

Flemish Tapestries

Stucco sculptures

The Triumph of Death

The Charioteer

Stucco Sculpture of a Standing Buddha | Standing buddha, Asian art, Greek sculpture

A quick wrap up

Sicily is a fascinating island that boasts multiple tourist attractions and finger-licking food. You can get the best accommodation in Sicily, and luxury villas are excellent choices for anyone touring with family. For a more fun experience, book in advance and pack weather-appropriate clothing.

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