8 Interior Designer Tips to Create a Beautiful Modern Home

Photo by Patrick Perkins on Unsplash

For those creating a beautiful modern home, it can be tough to know where to start. Youā€™ll want to take the time to change your decor, spruce up your space, and make some adjustments. However, itā€™s not as hard as you might think to achieve a stunning modern theme.

We included eight interior designer tips to help you reach your goals. Weā€™re sure youā€™ll find some ideas to love on this list- letā€™s get started!

1. Choose a Light Color Scheme

When upgrading to a modern home, a light color scheme for your rooms helps the space look more open. Using neutral colors, like creams, whites, and grays also makes any art or plants you use stand out.

You want to find a color palette that you enjoy while also showcasing your interior style. Selecting your color scheme can feel overwhelming, but you can always paint over it later if you donā€™t like it. When using a primarily light color palette for your room, youā€™ll also want to consider adding a darker accent wall to create a focal point.

2. Install an Electric Fireplace

Electric fireplaces come with many benefits. These appliances can heat a room, have a variety of custom settings, and always look stunning. You can choose options that have different flame colors and ones that look completely realistic. In a modern home, the fireplace acts as a focal point and adds feelings of comfort.

Fireplaces are a popular element in modern living rooms. However, not every house is suited for having a real one installed. Itā€™s much more cost-efficient to get an electric one. Plus, you wonā€™t have to worry about an intensive remodel, cleaning ash and soot, or keeping a wood stock around to burn.

Investing in a realistic electric fireplace insert is very worthwhile, your guests will probably believe itā€™s the real deal too!

3. Include Some Texture

You donā€™t want your modern room to come across as being ā€œtoo smooth.ā€ You need to add some texture to counteract a light palette since the neutral colors will help them stand out. Adding woven or knitted rugs and textiles looks lovely in a modern setting. Plus, you can use a variety of ceramic pieces to add more interest.

You want to make sure the textured pieces you use go along with your color scheme and room themes. However, you can still choose items that ā€œpop.ā€ Having plenty of textiles, such as rugs and throw blankets, makes your space much more comfortable and warm. Overall, many interior designers agree that texture is essential in interior design.

4. Use an Open Plan

Youā€™ll want to use an open plan theme in your living room and dining room. Using this option opens up the space and gives it a modern appeal.

You can use furniture and rugs to create ā€œroomsā€ within your open plans. For example, you can set chairs on a carpet to encourage people to gather there. Many people also use a round dining table to encourage interaction and add to the open feeling.

Overall, there are many different interior design options available when working with an open floor plan. You can make adjustments as needed over time, but many people who go through with the renovations love the sense of openness.

5. Add Modern Art

Photo by Collov Home Design on Unsplash

Itā€™s fun to find new and unique art pieces! We recommend that you add plenty of modern art to your home. Modern artists use many bright, beautiful colors, which would stand out in a lightly colored room. Additionally, you can explore the various modern art movements. These include pop art, abstract art, surrealism, and more!

The best part is that you get to choose what art to hang up. You have an infinite number of art pieces available to you. You can find plenty of stunning works online or even commission an artist to make something for your home. If you like making art, donā€™t hesitate to display your own creations!

6. Spend Time Decluttering

We all struggle with clutter, but it can detract from modern themes. For those who have many loose items lying around, youā€™ll want to spend some time organizing. This task can feel daunting, but itā€™s easier once you get started. Youā€™ll want to make sure to keep any unnecessary items or papers out of sight.

The best way to go about keeping your home organized is to bring less clutter into your home. For instance, you throw out your junk mail right away instead of leaving it on the table. Building small decluttering habits helps in keeping a modern home looking nice.

7. Install Large Windows

Many modern homes make use of large, beautiful windows. Adding these to your home can significantly improve the lighting. With more natural light, your space is sure to look extra beautiful. Having more windows also makes it possible to let in more fresh air and stir a breeze through the rooms.

You can also decorate the windows with bold curtains. The fabric should be bright and stand out against the neutral colors of the room. Many interior designers choose a primary color since it ā€œpopsā€ out nicely and draws attention to that area.

8. Hang a Mirror

It also helps if you add mirrors to your rooms. Mirrors make the space feel a lot brighter and helps to spread natural lighting through the room. Many interior designers think mirrors are essential and recommend adding one to every room, no matter the size.

You want to put mirrors on walls adjacent to your windows- not right across from them. If a mirror is opposite from a lighting source, it only directs the light back that way. This positioning is not adequate for distributing light around a room.

Make a Comfortable Space

Photo by Collov Home Design on Unsplash

No matter how you design your home, you want to make sure that itā€™s still comfortable. All too often, people using a modern theme forget to include comfortable items. You should always create a space that you and your family love to be in!

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