Bring The Sun Home With Yellow Interior Design

Yellow color is also called sunny, it is warm and is believed that attract beautiful things into life. Color therapy uses shades of yellow to make people smile and give them a sense of happiness. When it comes to the interior, yellow interior design creates a feeling of warmth and comfort, so it has become very popular when it comes to painting. Yellow walls, carpets in golden tones, lamps and other details in shades of sunny color, stimulate brain activity and encourage people to communicate better. They succeed in that, because people surrounded by a “happy” interior are happier and more energetic, and they pass this on to others.

Too much yellow color in interior is counterproductive

Research shows that people surrounded by too much yellow often change their mood. They are nervous and irritable. For instance, babies who sleep in rooms with “too much artificial sunlight” cry more. Interior decoration in yellow is the most difficult for the human eye, because this cheerful color can have a counter-effect if used excessively.

It is by no means recommended that the entire room be yellow. On the contrary, use it to “illuminate” dark rooms with yellow details or one gently yellow wall. Paint small and insufficiently lit rooms in beige-yellow. Yellow pieces of furniture go well with beige walls, or another gentle, creamy color, like light gray. If you want to use rich and bright shades of yellow, let it be smaller details like a vase, lamp, mirror, wall clock, picture frames or curtains. In this way, you will bring joy and better mood into the home, which we need today!

Designers are optimistic- Yes for yellow

When it comes to bringing the color yellow into the living space, everyone is a bit skeptical. All but the famous names in the world of interior design. We still haven’t fully encouraged ourselves to the act of bringing a lut sunlight into the living space. Why? Yellow color has many shades. It comes in shades of butter, mustard or vanilla. Something for everyone. One thing is certain – the color yellow leaves no one indifferent.

Energetic, joyful, and luxurious at the same time. It works in many ways. It can be stimulating, but also very calming. Improves concentration. In sick people, it strengthens the desire for healing. Strengthens life force. Below, see some of the most beautiful ideas how to include the color yellow in the interior! Some interior designs offer everything that we need to feel strong and relaxed, and the overall atmosphere of the home turns into a home with strong energy.

Other characteristics of yellow interior design

Lively color, playful energy and dramatic contrasts is all we need. The classic and sometimes boring pieces of furniture such as leather chairs and solid wood cabinets can be perfectly composed with contemporary pieces such as modern lamps, decorative pillows, carpets and curtains. Mostly, the gray tones of the interior in the living rooms are combined with white and black, but the addition of yellow interior gives a freshness and playfulness.

The sunny yellow, though it is lively and bold, some psychologies say that the color encourages optimism. Therefore, today we are presenting you several completely peaceful and harmonious interior design that you will love for sure. Consider these few stylishly designed living rooms in gray-yellow combination and let your imagination to perfectly decor your home.

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