Personally i love my job and i think that this is my dream job but so many times i have heard about how hard job has my friend and how they work so hard for nothing. So i have decided to look around what has happened all around the world and what other people work. So this is a message …
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10 Hidden Disney Secrets You Definitely Missed
Our favorite disney movies are full with hidden details. As they are full with magic and impressed us the animators have put in them a few hidden details that we have never seen. Hidden Mickeys, references to other movies, hints to future movies, are all in every movie… if you know where to look. So this is almost the same …
Read More »10 Conveniently Surprising Portable Items You Didn’t Know You Needed
Dear friend i’m sure that you at home you have a lot useful things that you need for perfect live but what about when you are away from your home when travel or when you in the mountain or on picnic and so on and so on. Do you want to feel like you at at home and to have …
Read More »14 Reasons You Should Never Leave Your Kids Alone with Markers
Dear parents i ‘ m 100% sure that you will agree with one thing: Kids and markers never goes so well together. But if you need fun that this could be something that will make you to smile whole day. Looking around for some funny photos i have made one interesting and incredibly funny collection that you should see. This …
Read More »13 Incredibly Funny Photos Showing That Kids Can Fall A Sleep Literally Anywhere
Our kids are absolutely the cutest thing that has ever happened in our life. While they are babies they only cry not understand so good what is actually all around them but as they grow they are becoming much more interesting and playful and i love them all. But when they play all day they also spent their energy and …
Read More »These Giant Doodles Were Drawn ON Unique Way, Using Only A Bike And GPS Tracking App
Hey friends meet Stephen Lund, one creative man with the most unusual hobby. Lund draws giant doodles using ‘Strava’, a GPS tracking app, by riding his bike in very specific routes around his home town of Victoria, Canada, and sometimes other parts of British Columbia. He rides an average of 70 km a day, creating various doodles, but his longest …
Read More »13 Common Personality Traits Which All Successful People Have
Everyone wants to be successful, everyone wants to have it and to have perfect life. There are a few things that you should have to achieve the success, like endurance, a positive outlook, and the ability to be open with others. One of our favorite websites has made super cool collection of personality traits which are most common for successful …
Read More »10 Pictures That Show Why Finding A Job Today Is Absolutely Ridiculous
How many times it has happened to you to see a few ridiculously job posts? If never than you are a lucky man but you definitely need to check these hilarious photos that exactly explain why finding a job today can be so ridiculous today. Take a look below and enjoy! source source source source source source source source source source
Read More »8 Hilarious But Just Real Differences Between Men And Women
We Are humans we are all the same and there are no differences when it comes about the main functions in our everyday life but this is by the rule and in fact there are huge huge differences and it seems like the both are from the different planets. There are amazing comics illustrated that has become viral nowadays and …
Read More »11 Funny Titanic Movie Mistakes That You Probably Didn’t Notice
Titanic: probably one of the best movies and the most watched in my time and Today, it still stands as one of Jame Cameron’s best films and arguably one of the best films ever. But what do you think is there some editors mistakes during you watched it. It really hard to notice this mistakes of you are not focused …
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