Cecil The Lion Featured on Empire State Building Into Stunning Light Display

This video projection is first of its kind and the impressions of all who had seen this was spectacular, there was really a large crowds of spectators stopped in Manhattan intersections watching at the pictures of the building’s south side and taking photos of this amazing projection.
This were eight-minute sessions that were repeated every 15 minutes from 21:00 to 24:00 local time (01:00 to 04:00 GMT) and were visible from almost 20 blocks away.
Cecil Lion, the famous attraction, from zimbabwe that was recently killed but the hands of an American hunter that last month caused international outrage, was broadcast in a image long over 106 meters.

In total 160 species of endangered animals including birds, tigers, leopards and bears were shown at this one day project
The images were covered over 33 floors of the building.
The show was organized as part of a promotion for a new Discovery Channel documentary Racing Extinction.

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