If you are about to move to the attic stay tuned because here I’m going to show you how to incorporate your kitchen just beneath the roof in some pretty spectacular ways. These attic kitchen ideas make the best use of that challenging space that seems impossible to decorate. Don’t be desperate because you can’t fit a regular kitchen in there and embrace these outstanding attic kitchens that will definitely blow your mind.
They have it all and they can hold pretty much everything. These kitchens have something special about them that makes the space super cozy and comfortable. Scroll down through this article and see the compact attic kitchen ideas that will make you say wow. You are going to love every single one of them and will even find it hard to pick a favorite!
Attic Kitchen Ideas

The thing I like the best about these kitchens are the big roof windows which let lots of natural sunlight in the area, so cooking will be an enjoyable task when you have a well-lit space. The natural sunlight will make your kitchen appear more bright and airy at the same time.
Do you see this tricky space on the wall in this kitchen? Although it may appear useless at first sight, it isn’t at all. The little shelves will hold your spaces and decorations in a stunning way.
Yup, attic kitchens require that you give up on the upper cabinets but don’t worry. You will probably have space to incorporate a kitchen island or other floor or wall cabinets which will give you plenty of storage room. Let me reveal a secret to you- kitchens with only bottom cabinets look more elegant and sophisticated!
You have to be extremely careful when taking measures for an attic kitchen. Make sure you plan everything in advance. Some attics don’t have enough lighting, while others have it in abundance. What’s your case? Plan to add extra lighting if needed because you can never have too much light in a kitchen!
The combination of black and wood has always been my favorite but honestly, I didn’t have the courage to go for it because my kitchen was tiny. Now that I see this black, small, attic kitchen I see that I was completely wrong. Black has the power to look stunning everywhere!
If you don’t have enough space for upper cabinets, you can always consider the option of inserting some open shelves which can hold your kitchen utensils in an outstanding fashion. Everything will be within the reach of the hand, so you can place things here that you use most often. In this way, they won’t get so dusty if used daily, if you were concerned about this. The shelves are great for displaying decorative items such as flowers, cook books, baskets, spices and so much more.
This type of kitchen will give you the opportunity to have your kitchen separated into two levels. Do you see how this beautiful kitchen below is designed?
Don’t you think that the kitchen below is a masterpiece? Every inch of space is used in the right way. This is a stunning work, and I have to give all of my credits to the designer!
If the kitchen area is tiny go for some bright colors which will give an impression of a larger and airier room. Do you see that most of the attic kitchens that I have got for you today are white? Well, there is a good reason for this, so follow this example to get the most of your kitchen. If you have always had a darker shade in mind, ignore this rule, and follow your dreams. We have seen that black attic kitchens look marvelous too!
Another great thing about attic kitchens is that you can have a kitchen island which will provide you with some extra countertop working space and lots of storage. Isn’t that just amazing? Put it in the center of the kitchen in order to provide a balance for the area. You can use the island as a dining table too if there isn’t enough room for a dining table. Get some bar chairs and enjoy the beautiful setting.
Although these attic kitchen ideas are fitted in small and tricky spaces, they have everything that regular kitchens do just in a different way. You may like your attic kitchen more than the kitchens you have had before since it will be so compact and unique. Have the ideas above managed to inspire you and help you with the design of your new attic kithcen? I’d love to hear from you, so make sure you keep me posted in the comments below.