Aspiring Photographer? Here’s Where to Start

Photography is a passion of many people but becoming an expert in this field can seem like a daunting task. It seems like an easy hobby to pick up but photography is actually a challenging field. After taking a few test shots, you’ve probably noticed that you need some help. To get better shots, these photography tips are great for beginners. They will help you build your skill set while practicing.

Keep Your Camera Still

One mistake that’s easy to make is moving the camera while taking your shots. Even a slight movement will make your shots blurry and keep you from getting crisp finishes. There are a few ways that you can keep your shots still. Using a tripod or other stand is a foolproof option. This is a good options for any long exposure or low-light photography. If you are taking shots that using a tripod may not be ideal, you can still adjust. Keep your arms close to your body so that your core keeps them in place. This will allow you to take sharper photos.

Use the Rule of Thirds

Many people know that composition is a key aspect of getting a good shot. Although you may do this instinctively, you always want to set up your shots purposefully. When you’re setting up a shot, divide the screen into thirds, both vertically and horizontally. Any areas that are of high interest should be placed at the four intersections. Also, if you’re shooting an area that has a line like a horizon, you’ll want to put the horizon line at one of the thirds if possible. This composition tip will make your photos more dynamic and engaging.


Nature shots are often a good way to try out the rule of thirds intentionally. Catherine Gross got her start with nature shots and began learning her craft while backpacking. She then moved into wedding shots to improve her craft. With hard work and time, she was able to build her skill set and developed her personal website Although she is now skilled, she still uses the same skill set she learned when starting out.

Learn How to Capture the Light

Photography is based on capturing light. You may think that the body of the camera but a well-lit subject actually makes all the difference. The light captured by your camera depends on the lens opening, the shutter speed, and the ISO or how sensitive the sensor is to light. These three factors are known as the exposure triangle as each of them can be tailored to meet your needs. There are entire courses on maximizing the exposure triangle so you’ll have to spend more time in this area to be a pro. However, in order to get truly great shots, you’ll want to spend time on all three aspects.


Taking shots that match your vision isn’t an easy task. While you may feel as though you have the ability to take amazing photographs, be patient and take the time to learn your camera and how to set up your shots well. Using both the camera’s abilities and your own creative skills, you can start building your craft easily. Use these tips to get started and you’ll be amazed at how much better your shots turn out every time.

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