Cool Food Portraits Of Celebrities That Will Fascinate You

Has it ever occurred to you that you can make art without using paper and colors? Well maybe it did, but I bet that it has never come to your mind to do it with food. Food is an art, we have said it many times and the photos below will prove that once again. Creative people have come up with a pretty funny idea – to create portraits of celebrities with different food and drinks. These photos will put a smile on your face and will maybe even inspire you to try and make some on your own. Take food and art on another level and create something interesting that will keep everyone interested. Check out the Cool Food Portraits Of Celebrities That Will Fascinate You.

Do you think that Rihanna has seen this portrait of her? It’s a sweet form of art literally! The artist has used Nutella, strawberries and a piece of toast bread, and he/she has done a pretty great job!


And here comes one of my favorite foot portrait! I just love the way the artist did an awesome job by using white, brown and black rice and manage to picture Sia in a perfect way without any flaw. How do you like it?


I bet that you have split milk a hundred of times but you never got an idea to play with it. This artist spills milk on purpose just to have fun with it. Here we have got Bruce Lee in the serving tray. Use a straw to do an art in any possible way you want and share the final results with us! We would love to see them!


Who thought that you can get a portrait of Mona Lisa by using just a barbecue sauce? Would you like to give it a try?


Is there someone who wouldn’t like to have a pizza with Beckham? I don’t think so!


Adele must be super excited to see here face painted with Philadelphia cream cheese!


Here you can spot Mr.Bean’s portrait done with beans!


Art can be really interesting if you just use your imagination and food of course! I hope that you got inspired by these portraits and that you will do something new and more fun on your own very soon. Feel free to share your arts with us cause we would love to see them!

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