Cozy Balcony Decoration Ideas To Recreate This Spring

We all neglect our balconies during winter, and I think that is about time to clean them up and refresh the balcony decoration for the upcoming season. Spring will be here before you know it, and I bet that many of you have already enjoyed a moment or two on the balcony soaking the winter sun. As I did that myself I noticed that my balcony needs a thorough cleaning and some new decorative pieces that will set the tone and make it more cozy and comfy. In this article, I will share with you some impressive balconies and some tips that will inspire you to create a lovely spot where you’d love to spend your days and relax after a tough workday.

closed balcony ideas
  • Turn your balcony into your favorite spot in the house for the whole year. – Yeah, you can enjoy the balcony all year round if you close it. I know that this is not an option that everyone will consider, but you should definitely think about it. I’m sure that there are certainly plenty of ways nowadays to have it closed during the winter and open it in spring again. What do you say about turning it into your personal library? Add a shelf and a comfortable armchair, and soaking the sun while reading will be your most common activity, believe me!
small balcony decor
  • Add greenery and blossoms. This is definitely a must for every balcony. What’s one without plants and flowers anyways? Even if your balcony is super tiny, there are still ways to make space for everything. If there isn’t enough floor space think vertically. Create a vertical garden on the wall, or hang some pots on the balcony fence. Vases are also an option if you don’t have a green thumb!
balcony decor ideas
boho balcony
  • Invest in some good furniture. It doesn’t really matter how big your balcony is, you shouldn’t miss adding a sitting area for anything in this world even if it just a chair. Make sure you choose an adequate size of your furniture in accordance with your space because you probably don’t want to have it overcrowded with chairs and tables, right? Pillows and rugs can add color and texture to this outdoor area and can make it even cozier than it is. Another way to add a statement to your balcony is to paint your furniture in a bold color.
tiny balcony decor
balcony decoration
balcony decor inspiration
spring balcony decorations
  • Pay attention to details. It doesn’t matter how cliche this may sound, but yes – small things can make such a big difference. String lights, candles, and lighting features are some of the crucial things that will make the ambiance on your balcony warmer and inviting during the nights. A basket with a blanket is a nice addition too. You will surely enjoy more the chilly nights under a blanket! Another thing that will make your balcony more special is the designs of your pots. Make sure you find some interesting ones because the ordinary pots are so old school and won’t make your area as special as you’d like.
cozy balcony
  • Refresh the flooring and paint the walls. Are you seriously committed to giving your balcony a brand new look and turning it into a small oasis? Change the flooring. Think about whether tiles or wood flooring will work the best for you and your way of life and hire a professional to do it if you can’t do it on your own. This can be quite an expense but it’s totally worth it. You can think about combine wood and stone. Decorative stones are such a nice way to make a difference. Your whole balcony will be refreshed, clean and new. Afterward, even the decorations will look more stunning for sure.
green balcony decoration
balcony ideas

Any balcony can look amazing if you just commit to it and follow the tips that I have shared with you today. Adding some greenery and looming flowers, incorporating a comfortable seating area, paying attention to details, and refreshing the flooring are the key things that are keeping you away from your own oasis in your home. Now that spring is on its way here, you should definitely pull up your sleeves and refresh your balcony so you can enjoy it to the fullest. Have some of these balconies that you saw here inspired you for a remodel? Let me know in the comments below!

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