Edible Coffee Cups Made Of Oats And Grains By Good Edi

We all love to take a walk outside and take our coffees with us, don’t we? But did you know that 16 billions of disposable coffee cups are used each year? Although you may think that they are paper and eco-friendly, they are in fact layered with plastic on the inside and use plastic lids. What’s more, not only that they are not recycble, but they even take 30 years to degrade.

And while people suggest that you take a cup with you from home in order to give your contribution towards saving the planet Earth from extra trash, there are these two friends who managed to create these awesome edible coffee cups! Now, let me closely introduce you to the future of takeaway cups!

edible coffee cups

What’s a Good Edi cup?

These cups will bring the world’s biggest source of landfill to an end. By getting your coffee in a Good Edi cup you will get an extra “biscuit” to eat. If you are full and don’t feel like eating, don’t worry because these cups will biodegrade in just 2 weeks. How amazing is that?

edible coffee cups takeaway

What are some of the benefits of these edible coffee cups?

  • The Good Edi cups can last for 8 hours!
  • They will biodegrade in 14 days!
  • The cups come with a sustainably recycled paper sleeve!
  • These coffee cups are 100% vegan!
  • The coffee cups are super tasty and full of goodness!
  • They don’t change the flavour of your coffee and can stay cirpy for 40 minutes!

Consumers who have tried these edible coffee cups say that it’s like eating a waffle cone dipped in coffee.

ecofriendly products

What are these edible coffee cups made of?

The list of ingredients that are found in the edible coffee cups Good Edi is totally natural. They are made of oats and grains with high quality, and some other really delicious natural ingredients. Artificial flavours or preservatives are not found in the list of ingredients, of course! If you are looking for an edible cup that you can eat after drinking your coffee, and getting some extra fiber at the same time, maybe you should head to Melbourne, Australia and find the Good Edi coffee shop or look for their partners all across the continent!

oats coffee cup
coffee cup that you can eat

Who is the creator of these eco-friendly coffee cups?

It turns out that Good Edi was found by two girl friends Catherine Hutchins and Aniyo Rahebi. Both of them are fond lovers of coffee but they become aware of the fact that takeaway coffee cups can cause so many environmental issues. This is how they shared their vision and they managed to create these cups which can either be eaten or degraded as a food waste.

The winning formula took a 12 months before it was discovered, and they had to experiment with a vast number of recipes. Luckily, they have it now and the cup can hold hot liquids without leaking for a couple of hours.

They are supported by the Taronga Accelerator Program that supports this kind of innovative ideas and that address such environmental challenges. Good Edi was chosen as a grant winner of 50.000 dollars.

Now Catherine and Aniyo are looking for your support which will make Good Edi a reality. The fund-raising campaign will help them get a customised cup baking machine that will help them produce the cups more quickly and easily. By donating and sharing your word for these edible coffee cups, you will not only help these two friends of launching their business, but you will help reduce the waste and minimize landfill.

support good edi

What can you do if you don’t feel like eating the coffee cup?

Despite eating it, you can use the cup in so many different ways. You can just throw it in the bin and it will biodegrade itself. Or you can put it in your home compost. Putting it in your garden is another option that you can consider since the cup biodegrades itself and it’s super nutritious for your plants. And finally, you can use it as a pot to plant seeds!

We really hope that lots of coffee shops will adhere to this revolutionary takeaway coffee cup and that will help in avoiding the waste that disposable coffee cups are creating day by day!

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