Follow These 4 Tips And Keep Yourself From Losing Your Way in the Jungle

Is jungle the first place that crosses your mind when you hear the world travel?

Congratulations. Your affinity for the woods has now been validated. Have a safe, exciting and “not-so-lost” journey.

But, wait a second. Is it easy to keep a track of your way in the dense forest?

Well, only if you do the needful. And we have some information to guide you on that. Here are four tips that you should follow to keep yourself from losing your way in the woods.

1. Plan Smartly and Make Yourself Aware

Yes, the idea of stepping into the wild raw, being spontaneous and carefree sounds super-fun. But you do want to come back after your adventure, right?

That’s what you need to create a plan for.

Finding a way through the jungle can be tricky. Plus, at times you may even start feeling like there’s no exit.

The first step to making sure that situations like these don’t crop up is by creating a plan for how you are going to commence, proceed and finish this journey. What is the starting point? Which direction leads you where, and which direction will get you out of the jungle.

Also, try to make yourself more aware about the path that you are going to walk.

You can consider using jungle travel forums for the same.

2. Never Hike Without a Magnetic Compass

One essential tool that will keep you from getting lost inside the jungle is a magnetic compass.

Thanks to the earth’s natural magnetic field, these devices are fully functional without any data coverage. So, you wouldn’t have to worry about finding the directions to walk in.

But make sure you know the right directions to walk in. Otherwise, the compass at hand may become nothing more than a cool useless gimmick.

So, follow the first tip and use the second one for leveraging the first one (sounds like inception?).

3. Carry a Secondary Feature Phone and a Wristwatch

Yes, smartphones are cool. They click brilliant pictures. Play your favourite music. Send emails. Keep you connected through social media. But, did you know they fail first when the signal strength drops?

This happens due to the mutual coupling inside modern devices.

Basically, signal strength is inversely proportional to the mutual coupling in cell phone devices. And sadly, the circuitry in smartphones is way more complex than feature phones.

For this reason, a feature phone may come to use in places where your $1,000 smartphone may simply turn into a useless add-on.

So, carry a feature phone. Plus a wristwatch that helps you keep track of time so you can rush to shelter before dark.

Also, make sure that the battery in your devices is not about to drain dry.

4. If it’s a Small Trip, Observe Signs On Your Way

If you are going on a short and quick trip into the woods, you can also observe signs on your way. Remembering these signs on your way back will allow you to follow them, so you don’t have to face difficulties while navigating the exit point(s).

For example, you can remember groups of trees or unique marks on trees. You can also develop small rock structures that you can identify upon seeing.

Note that this isn’t a method that you can entirely rely on. This is just an add-on for helping you find your way out.

Apart from this, you must have a solid plan and know-how of the jungle before you step in. So, prepare well.

Final words

The thought of being lost in the woods is surely daunting, but it isn’t something that you can’t avoid.

Here we talked about four tips for keeping you from losing your way inside a forest.

In addition to this, you should also be adequately equipped for the times when you may lose your way. So, carry food and water backup, carry qualified 5.11 tactical shirts, hiking boots and other survival gear for your safety and convenience.

For now, we will bid goodbye. Hopefully, this was helpful.

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