How to Live a Life of a Digital Nomad

One of the first associations that people have when they think of digital nomads is the sense of freedom. We all tend to imagine them roaming freely, enjoying exotic or remote locations, and living their lives to the fullest. Where there is smoke, there is fire, but there is also another side to living as a digital nomad. The side not as poetic or dreamy, but filled with challenges such are finding new clients and being a part of cooperative culture. We will tackle those challenges here and provide some useful tips to make your life as a digital nomad much easier and hassle-free.

So let’s start.

How to Find Clients

Being a digital nomad implies that you move locations quite often, which makes it a bit more difficult to create a steady client base. However, just because it is more difficult doesn’t mean it is impossible. First and foremost, you need to be visible online, people need to find you.

The first step is:

Creating a Website

For starters, if you still don’t have your own website/platform, it is a good idea to be active and engaging on social platforms. Depending on your niche or target audience, you will see which platform works best for you. But don’t become too frantic about it. You don’t need to post on every single platform but on the one(s) that matter(s) most to your business. Let your posts be meaningful and useful. Provide lots of advice and how-to-knowledge. Join groups that are relevant to you and build your online visibility by making contacts. These groups are also great places to check your competitors and see what they might be missing and what you can offer. This way you will find your niche much quicker.

However, this on itself isn’t enough. I don’t want to sound too pessimistic but the chances are quite high that you would lose ( almost) every time to somebody who has a website. A website provides all the necessary info about your work, you, offers, and prices. It is really like a shop window. In addition, it makes you look more professional. Being on social platforms is a great way to get started, but you need something that you could call your own. And do you know what’s good? You don’t need to be a programmer. There are many affordable code-free website-building platforms.

To sum it up, a website is a necessity. It is your business card.

Guest Posts and Appearances

Many beginners start with the thought that nobody will hire them. But the reality is different. Just because you are new in the game doesn’t mean you don’t have valuable knowledge, tips, or experience that you can share with others. You may have a completely new angle on some topic. It is about finding the right niche that would be interested in what you need to say. One of the great ways to do that is by doing guest posts and appearances. Search for platforms that are suitable for your audience and provide some content for them. Be a guest on other people’s webinars, YouTube videos, podcasts. This way you will attract a new audience and expand your reach. The options are limitless.

Life of a Digital Nomad

Freelance Job Platforms

In addition to promoting yourself using your website, social media, cold outreach, and being a guest, you shouldn’t forget about freelance job platforms. These platforms are specifically tailored for digital nomads/freelancers. The main purpose of these platforms is to help you find clients. Make sure you are active there and not dormant or just lingering around. Check them regularly, and send out proposals. It is definitely not an easy task ( it does require a bit of digging), but they are a great place nonetheless. They are very popular and the bonus is that you can also check your competition. The most famous ones are Upwork, Fiverr,, Anomadic, Flexjobs. One of my favorites is Anomadic due to their strict and detailed selection process. It is important because it greatly reduces the chance of a mismatch and all the problems and risks that come with it.

These are just some of the ideas to help you get (extra) clients, but now it’s high time we went through some internal communication examples which will help you be a part of corporate culture despite working remotely.

Internal Communication Examples

Just because you are working remotely doesn’t mean you can’t be a part of the corporate culture. Whether you work with clients or are a part of a team, good and transparent communication is the key to getting a job done.

The importance of internal communication is multifold. Not only does it help deliver tasks more efficiently and effectively, but it also enables better communication flow between employers, employees, and peers. Establishing good communication practice leaves less room for feeling isolated, not heard, and unrecognized.

Get Yourself Connected

It goes without saying that any company working digital uses lots of communication tools and channels. But it isn’t just enough t have those channels and tools. You need to use them. Usually, employers should set an example that will encourage other employees to engage more regularly.

Think about virtual coffee rooms where you can have off-work conversations, share interesting life stories, share holiday photos, etc. Finding peers with similar interests will make you feel less isolated.

Celebrate special events virtually: be it festivals, birthdays, or special holidays.

Organize trivia nights, quizzes, costume parties, game nights, and karaoke. These are just some examples of how you can bond more with your peers.

Have an internal messaging channel where people can share their interests, hobbies, the food they cook, and family photos.

If your team is really diversified and scattered around the globe, what better to bring the whole team closer than organizing cultural events. People can talk about the customs in their countries, popular places, typical national dishes, etc.

Think of an internal knowledge base where employees will find the necessary info and be more expedient.

The list of communication strategies and tools you can use is almost infinite. It depends on your creativity and imagination. Whatever tool or channel you may be using, the most important thing is that it enables smooth conversation where every member of the team feels visible. At the end of the day, although digital nomads like the freedom their work brings, it doesn’t mean they like feeling isolated and left out. No man is an island, and speaking of the work environment, we all need to feel appreciated and heard. Without proper communication tools, not only do your business achievements suffer, but also your motivation, morale, and productivity.

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