Couples Halloween Costumes Speak Volumes On The Relationship

What do Halloween couple costumes tell about the relationship?

More than you might think!

But first things first, what is Halloween actually about?


The Origins of Halloween

As a matter of fact not much is definitely know about the origins of Halloween, some say it originated from a pagan festival, others say itā€™s a Christian tradition. Perhaps the truth is somewhere in the middle and in the past centuries the traditions merged.

Some say that Halloween is actually a Celtic pagan festival for celebrating the end of harvest season. This festival is also known as Samhain, meaning ā€œSummerā€™s Endā€.

In the early days people also used to believe that the spirit world and our world were more connected during Halloween. They say the veil was thinner during this time, so spirits could more easily visit Earth. Some people would offer food and drinks to appease the spirits. Others would light bonfires to fight off evil spirts.

Then there is also the Christian tradition where Christians would honor saints and pray for the souls that would not have made it to Heaven yet.

So, why the costumes you ask?

The origins from trick-or-treat date back as far as the 16th century. Around that time people in Scotland, Ireland and Wales would dress up at Halloween and go from door to door in costume. They would ask for food in exchange for reading a poem or singing a song.

The Halloween Outfits of You and Your Partner

You and your partner will most likely attend some costume parties on Halloween. Whether you are wearing something inspired by history, something scary or something creative, what you wear with your partner does say a lot about your relationship!

Movie-inspired Costumes

Your partner and you are probably into movies. You are not embarrassed to admit that the both of you are addicted to Netflix. Perhaps you even use movie lines in everyday conversation.

You will think Halloween is a success when you and your partner go in costumes that are inspired by a lesser-known movie. If no one knows what movie it is, then itā€™s a success.

Your typical date-night consist of watching a loved DVD or perhaps watching a movie on Netflix, with some Chinese takeaway.

Hilarious Costumes

You two are the ones that really get the party started. Your enthusiastic energy and your hilarious costumes will make sure you always have plenty of friends around you during Halloween. Your funny costumes will be the subject of talk even after Halloween is long gone. You and your partner are always up for a night out on town with friends.

Perhaps you two are so outgoing that sometimes it is hard to make time just for the two of you. Of course you love the club nights, hanging out with friends and dinner parties. But sometimes you also enjoy just being with your partner.

Nerdy Costumes

Are your costumes inspired by videogames or superheroes? Yes, then you have definitely chosen a nerdy costume. Your nerdy costumes are perfect for your geeky love.

In weekends you could watch whole episodes of Star Trek or perhaps watch some Star Wars movies while you are at it. As long as you do not end up debating which one is better.

Perhaps your ideal vacation would be attending Comic-con. The advantage is that you can then re-use your costumes again.

Soft and Cuddly Costumes

Do you and your partner have soft and cuddly costumes?

Do you just like the comfort?

Your friends probably still whine about why you ever got together, because they never see you at club nights again.

Instead of going clubbing you and your partner are wearing comfortable clothing and hanging on the couch, watching some series.

Political Costumes

Did you two meet in debate class?

The two of you might even have a different political opinion. But that makes these costumes an even better fit for you two, as you can show your passion about your political standpoint. This passion makes the two of you love each other even more.

Historical Costumes

Historical costumes are not just for the old fashioned.

Do you and your partner both love watching historical documentaries on Netflix? Then you two are probably going in historical costumes for this yearā€™s Halloween.

Itā€™s also very likely that either you or your partner is still studying and he or she does want a career that has something to do with history.

Sexy Costumes

Couples that work out together are known to wear sexy costumes. Perhaps itā€™s just to show off, who knows.

You and your partner take fitness serious. It has become a way of life for you. Besides spending time in the gym you also love to be outdoors. Your dates might involve camping, biking or some hiking.

Because of your fitness-obsession you are not afraid to show off your body, or that of your partner.

Scary Costumes

These are the true Halloween costumes: the scary ones.

You and your partner have been together for quite some time now and you have decided itā€™s time to freak some people out. You have been going to costume parties on Halloween for a couple of years, but never have you wore a crazy, scary costume like this before.

Perhaps this is also how you managed to stay together for so long: just being yourself and letting go of what others think about you.

And Mismatched Costumesā€¦

Last, but not least, there are the mismatched costumes.

Your partner and you are not the kind of people that is going to be attached to each other. You have been together for a while now, but people still wonder whether you are just friends.

This is due to the fact that the both of you have your own lives and your own friends. You really value your independence and aim to keep it that way.

So now you know about the different Halloween costumes and what they say about you and your partner. Which costume will you be wearing?

Author Bio:- Rachel PaceĀ is a relationship expert with years of experience in training and helping couples. She has helped countless individuals and organizations around the world, offering effective and efficient solutions for healthy and successful relationships. Her mission is to provide inspiration, support and empowerment to everyone on their journey to a great marriage. She is a featured writer forĀ, a reliable resource to support healthy happy marriages.

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