How to Start a Garden on Your Balcony

When moving out of their parent’s house and starting to rent their own apartments, many students start looking for ways to make their new living space more “personal” and “home-like.” There are many ways to do this. But one of the best ones is to create a personal, tranquil garden right on your flat’s balcony.

There are plenty of benefits to creating a garden. First of all, plants can create a feeling of home. Also, they are proven to have a soothing effect on human beings and reduce stress, which is especially important for modern students. The only issue is that gardening is quite hard and time-consuming. When it’s your first time, you must not know where to start, which plants to choose, and how to take care of them.

Besides having 100% of your time busy with your studies, it can be hard to carve out enough time for this endeavor. But we have you covered. To get started, enlist the help of WritePaper to save enough time and keep your grades high while you are busy gardening. And then, follow the steps described below to create your perfect garden on a balcony with ease.


Check With the Rules

Starting without a solid plan can lead to a lot of procrastination, challenges, and mistakes. Therefore, before you start taking any real steps, you should carry out some preliminary research. Specifically, you need to check the rules that might be there.

To get started, study your building’s rules. Sometimes, you might not be allowed to install certain elements (e.g., trellises) in your space. Also, since it’s a rented property, you should probably double-check with the landlord if it’s okay to do a balcony makeover. This is especially important if you plan to paint the sidewalls or make other significant changes.

Define the Specs of Your Location

After you know for sure what you can and can’t do with your balcony, you need to understand what plants to pick and how to make them thrive. To do this, you have to know what specs are typical for your location.

First of all, this means defining and researching the area’s climate. Secondly, it requires observing your terrace for a while to learn more about its unique features. For example, it might be full of sun all day long or, on the contrary, in the shade. Also, it might be too windy. All these things should be kept in mind when planning your future garden. So, be sure to do lots of research.

Look for Design Ideas

Placing one or a few plants on your balcony is easy. But creating a full-fledged garden requires much more effort. Namely, way before you start thinking about planting, you should think about the overall design of the space.

Designers suggest looking for designs that will make your terrace feel like a part of your living space. This means that the outside design should go in line with what you have inside your flat. Think about the colors and decor that will highlight your interior. Also, consider color psychology to make a space that will have a positive effect on your mental health.

If you are having a hard time thinking about the right design, hop on the Internet and, in particular, Pinterest to find ideas.


Pick the Plants

Knowing the specs of your location and having a general design idea in mind, you can finally start choosing flowers and plants for your future garden. If you are a beginner, be sure to use reliable resources to find the right options. Namely, you can use the USDA Hardiness Zone Map. All you need is to type your zip code on the website, and it will tell you which plants will suit your area.

If you need a starting point, let us share a few recommendations with you. For sunny terraces, you should pick sun-loving and drought-tolerant options like lavender, succulents, pelargoniums, etc. For shady balconies, consider options like ferns, geraniums, begonias, etc.

Also, be sure to keep your own preferences in mind. Look for plants you like, and don’t be afraid to experiment. But be sure to study every option in terms of maintenance before buying anything.

Consider Growing Veggies Too

Creating an oasis-like garden on your balcony is a way to improve your carbon footprint and create a tranquil personal space that will boost your mood daily. But it can have a practical use too. Along with flowers, you can also grow herbs, veggies, and fruits to have some naturally-grown and fresh foods right from your garden.

What exactly can you grow? The options will vary depending on your location. Namely, herbs, onions, peppers, carrots, greens, and lettuce should probably work for everyone. On top of that, you could also grow tomatoes, berries, and even lemons, depending on where you are located.

Arrange Your Garden

When you have everything planned, you can move on to the fun part. Make a list of the things you need and go shopping for paints, decor, and flowers, and start arranging your space. This is the stage that requires 100% of your time and attention. But this is where you can unleash your creativity. So, have fun!

Pro tip! To make your space look great, don’t overlook small details. Feel free to put pictures and garlands on the walls. Also, shop for good-looking flower pots to complement your design.

Furnish Your Space

When everything’s ready, you should add the final touches and furnish your garden. Traditionally, you will want to set up a table and a couple of chairs so that you will be able to eat, drink, study, or just chill out in your balcony garden whenever you want.

As a student, you must be living on a tight budget. Therefore, shopping for new and expensive furniture might not be within your budget. Luckily, you can always buy used furniture or use different DIY ideas to create something with your own hands. This way, you should be able to save your money without giving up on your comfort.

Buy the Right Tools

When arranging your garden for the first time, you will likely not do too much gardening at first. But you will definitely have to do it later. So, be sure to stock up on the right tools.

Namely, some of the most basic tools you will need include gloves, secateurs, spade, fertilizers, watering cane, etc. Be sure to purchase these and other devices that you might need early on.

The Bottom Line

Arranging a garden on your balcony can be rather hard. Following the steps shared above will help you get on the right track. But, the truth is that maintaining it is even more work in the long run.

So, don’t think you are all done after you design your space and fill it with beautiful plants. Continue learning and improving your skills on a regular basis. Read books, study the specific needs of your plants, and practice. If you do everything right and put enough attention and care into your garden, it will become an important part of your living space and change your life forever. Good luck!

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