How to Sell Your Home in 10 Steps

There can be multiple reasons why you’d want to sell your home. Most people do it because they choose to upsize, downsize, or simply relocate.

Although the sale of homes recently has been going off the charts in the country, it is not that easy to sell a house! Certain efforts have to be made and certain steps have to be taken to make sure the sale goes smoothly and profitably.

To make it easy for you, below are 10 steps to sell a home.

1.    Make sure you have a plan

Selling a house is probably one of the most critical decisions of your life – and you have to have a proper plan if you are selling it.

What if your house is not worth the amount you are expecting to get? Have you considered all of the factors, all ifs, and buts?

Answer all of the questions and make sure that you are hundred percent ready before you begin the actual selling process. If you are surely ready, continue reading.

2.    Hire a real estate agent

You cannot sell your house on your own, you must have a professional, experienced real estate agent who has a track record in selling houses with the most profits.

You can find real estate agents either in a directory or online web pages. What you can also do is contact friends and relatives who have sold their homes recently to see if they would recommend the realtor they used.

3.    Price your place

With the help of your real estate agent, it is your job to properly price your house for the market. While you might be thinking that you can put the price as high as possible, the truth is that the property that undergoes price reductions or sits on the market for too can quickly become a stale estate – no one will invest in it after some time.

4.    Invest in marketing

Once you have set your price, market the place on social media sites, online platforms, and through your realtor’s network – which is the most crucial source.

While marketing, make sure that you create a professional video of the house instead of just pictures or descriptions. Nowadays, videos attract more clicks than pictures or detailed text descriptions.

5.    Make repairs

Many potential buyers see even minor repairs as too much work – these little repairs scare potential buyers away. Therefore, it is your responsibility to make all the repairs and make the house as appealing as it can be. It should give a “just move in” appeal to anyone who comes to visit. Whether it’s a pool deck, patio, concrete slabs, or broken window, fix everything and make it look like the perfect place.

6.    Stage the house for visits

House visits are one of the most important steps of the whole process of selling the house, and just repairs are not where it ends. But most people don’t get that house visits can be the greatest opportunity to convince people to sign the deal – they don’t invest much in staging.

The house should be staged in a way that it looks like a brand new place without a spot. Get the furniture polished and frames dusted. There shouldn’t be any photos of your family on display. Potential buyers should get the image that it’s a brand new home just for them.

7.    Be ready to act

A lot of potential buyers back down from the purchase because the seller was taking too much time to move out and did not stay on the timeline. So, if you are staging a house for visits, be prepared to receive an offer and stay ready to act on the timeline.

8.    Understand your competition

It is important for you to understand that the buyers who are walking in your house to visit are not only visiting your house, they are visiting other houses in the neighborhood too.

To make sure that the buyers stay with you, visit your competition and see what they are offering that you are not. Try to overthrow the competition in staging the house.

This will also help you negotiate the selling price, as you would have an idea about what your competition is selling for.

9.    Be open to negotiation

As explained above, you cannot set a price that is unimaginably high, because then your listing would get stale. Whatever price you set for your house, leave a margin for negotiation.

10.  Hand over the keys

If you have accepted the offer from the buyer, the house is sold. Now, all you have got to do is hand over the house keys and move out.

If you are beginning the process of selling your house, we hope you make a profitable, successful deal after taking all the right steps. Good luck!

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