Ideal Vacation Options if You Don’t Like Flying

Frequent flyers who don’t think twice about booking a flight will often take for granted the ability to comfortably hop on a plane wherever they like and know that world travel is only a flight away. However, for those who simply don’t like flying – or, worse, for those who have a debilitating fear of it – it can make booking a vacation very difficult when you’re restricted to avoiding airports at all costs.

Below are listed some fantastic vacation options for those who would prefer not to fly.

Cruise Along at Your Own Pace

Cruises are often the pinnacle for avoiding a flight. You can take in a variety of amazing destinations by sailing towards them on calm waters instead of trapped inside a tiny metal aircraft. With so much space on board a cruise, you will never feel as though you can’t adequately stretch your legs.

Another bonus about cruises is that if you have more than one day out at sea spent traveling between destinations, there is still ample entertainment and activities to keep you occupied on board. Whereas a plane would see you bound to one seat for many hours, with not much to see or do apart from the activities you brought with you yourself.

Cruises really are the best in terms of offering an exciting way to travel and being a holiday in themselves, even when you’re not disembarking anywhere. Luxury cruises as provided by Regent World Cruises offer you the best of ocean travel while taking in remarkable and beautiful destinations.

While some cruises do offer flight-options in with the price (such as needing to fly out to a particular departure point in order to board your ship) there are many fantastic options which don’t require any flying: you simply need to make your own way to the nearest port, and with many to choose from, this may simply be a case of making a car journey over to your designated terminal.

Two Words: Road Trip

Road trips give you the option of traveling exactly where you want to, in your own way. They give you the freedom to stop whenever you like, travel off the beaten track, act on a whim, and discover some otherwise unplanned and spectacular sights. You even have the option to rent a luxury vehicle to make your road trip even more comfortable, whether it’s a Mustang while traveling Route 66, or a 4×4 taking in some spectacular country roads.

Road trips are also fantastic fun if you’re traveling with a group, whether family or friends. This is also the perfect opportunity to share the responsibility of driving, meaning you can have the chance to relax in the passenger seat and take in the views.

When traveling during a road trip, despite being immense fun, always make sure you pay attention to the rules of the road, especially if you’re traveling between various places where speed limits and legal driving obligations may vary. You should also take the time to learn how to maintain your vehicle properly during long drives.

This may seem like a lot of awkward responsibility compared to jumping on a flight and not having to think about it, but a road trip can teach you valuable skills and be extremely rewarding when you’ve planned and conquered it yourself.

Instead of Flying Coach, Stay Grounded with One

Coach trips are the perfect solutions for those individuals who want to travel via road but don’t necessarily relish the idea of driving themselves. Coach trips allow you to kick back and enjoy the scenery flying by, perhaps while listening to your favorite playlist, while also providing the opportunity for regularly designated stops and the chance to stretch your legs.

They’re also great if you are looking to be educated during a vacation, as many coach trips have a driver or group leader who will provide interesting facts and speeches regarding where you’re currently located. Coach trips are also fantastic options for those people who are looking to mingle with other plane-avoiding travelers, especially if you’re a solo traveler looking to stay within a group.

Get on Board with a Staycation

A well-deserved break doesn’t have to mean traveling overseas. It doesn’t even have to mean traveling further than an hour away from home. There are many relaxing experiences to be had in your home country, if you take the time to find them. Even if it means booking into a luxury hotel that is only minutes down the road, it can still feel like you’re a whole world away from your normal routine and your everyday problems when you’re staying elsewhere.

Planning a staycation is also an extremely budget-friendly option if you’re looking to cancel out extortionate travel or accommodation costs.

Furthermore, staycations offer the opportunity to see and do more in a certain amount of time, such as visiting a different location every day rather than being constricted to one location if you take a week away abroad.

Combine Land and Sea

Ferries provide the perfect opportunity for taking your car abroad with you and reaching a destination overseas without having to get on a flight. If you want to combine a road trip with a ferry crossing that will permit you to vacation in another country with your car, then this is the way to do it.

Alternatively, you don’t have to take your own vehicle at all. Ferries can still be a viable option for those who want to travel across the ocean while avoiding a flight, traveling on foot or using public transport.


You don’t ever need to feel restricted simply because you don’t like flying. The world is evolving to accommodate travelers now more than ever, with so many great options out there to make sure that you never have to miss out on your bucket list targets. Whether it’s a luxury cruise or a simple road trip, your next vacation can be the vacation of a lifetime, without having to venture anywhere near a plane!

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