Important Tips You Must Follow In Order To Prepare Yourself And Your Family In Case Of Potential Corona Virus Outbreak

Since the corona virus firstly appeared in China it continued to further spread through Asia to Europe, especially Italy, Spain, Germanyā€¦ The number of victims who didnā€™t survive the corona virus is increasing with every passed minute. The majority of the citizens from different countries of the world are being in self-isolation and the movement of people has been limited. The governments have taken several measures to stop the spreading of the corona virus, and recommend all the citizens to stay at home. As it seems that the corona virus epidemic is going to last, here we have prepared some tips you must follow in order to prepare yourself and your family in case of potential corona virus outbreak.

It doesn’t hurt to stock up on groceries and medicine

The fact that the corona virus is spreading very fast is making more than obvious the probability of proclamation of quarantine in areas where multiple cases of corona virus are to pop up. That is why you should buy a two-week supply of everything you normally use at home in case the corona virus quarantine keep you from reaching pharmacies, groceries, water, shelf-stable food and necessary medications. Just donā€™t go crazy with buying more than the necessary because you should have in mind that you are not the only one needing to buy the things you are buying.

When you’re at the store, you should skip the wipes, and get some bleach

According to the latest researches related to the corona virus, scientists suggest that the COVID-19 can linger in droplets in the air and on hard surfaces for several days, and that is the reason why herbal-based cleaners are not effective, and in order to keep the surfaces clean you should use household-friendly blench. Donā€™t forget to constantly disinfect highly-trafficked areas of the house.

You probably don’t need to be wearing a face mask

The most of the people around the world these days have bought surgical masks as they follow the recommendations for wearing them in order to avoid the corona virus spreading. But, indeed doctors recommend that in fact only people who are already sick should be wearing masks. People who have respiratory symptoms wear surgical masks to prevent other people from getting sick, but the best way to prevent it is to stay isolated from the rest of the family.


Take note of the areas the CDC has identified as high risk.

Because of the fast spreading of the corona virus along the territory of the whole world many countries have closed their borders and governments cancel the travel to mainland countries such as China, South Korea, Italy, Iran, Japan, Spainā€¦ Every country is making restriction to the entrances of non-resident s and let only their residents to enter the country. The citizens that have entered the country from risk countries have to stay self-isolated for at least 14 day.

Use your best judgment about staying home from work or keeping the kids out of school

The schools in the majority of the countries have been closed in order to avoid the spreading of the COVID-19. Many employees donā€™t go to work too, and work from home if possible. The governments and World Health Organization recommends to avoid mass gatherings and maintaining distance of about at least 2 meters from other people always when possible.

And remember, washing your hands isĀ veryĀ important

Washing your hands frequently several time a day is a must. Practice good hand hygiene, wash your hands after using the bathroom, before eating, before going to bed, after touching used tissues, after coming home from crowded areas. Donā€™t touch your eyes, mouth, nose so that you donā€™t contaminate yourself in case you have the virus on your hands already.


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