The Most Helpful Tips To Working From Home During The Corona Virus Outbreak

Due to the spread of corona virus the governments in different countries of the world has to take some measures to stop the further spreading of the virus. One of the measures is to decrease the movement of people and to make them stay at home and avoid the possibility to get infected by the virus. According to those measures more and more companies where it is possible, started to implement work-from-home polices. In order to continue the normal functioning of the companies many employees from companies where working from home is possible started implementing this measure that in other circumstances would be considered as a real luxury. But, if we have in mind the whole situation the world is facing with and the increase of the problem every day, we should consider that those that work from home should do everything that is in their ability to be as much productive as the can.

In order to get use to the work from home that for many employees is a new situation we have selected some of the most helpful tips to working from home during the corona virus outbreak. Follow them if you have to work from home in order to increase your productivity.

Stick with your routine

Keeping the routine you practice when going to your office is a must no matter if you donā€™t have to go there, and you are going to spend the whole day at home. Wake up as regularly, take a shower, get dressed (use the pajamas just for sleeping, not to spend the whole day in them!), prepare yourself a coffee and seat down in front of the computer. This will help you mentally prepare for the working day. Donā€™t miss to follow the schedule you have at work. Work few hours and then take a breakfast pause. The fact you are working from home should not ruin your work-life balance.

Create a work space…

You are at the luxury of your home and you can easily work while lying in your bed or seating on the sofa, but believe us, even experts who have worked from home successfully during years, recommend to have a desk, or if you donā€™t have a desk, to use your dining room table to work on. You can also DIY a home office by using some creative ideas we have already talk about earlier.

Ā …but don’t just sit there.

One of the essential rules you must be practicing in the office too. Having to work from home doesnā€™t mean that you have to stay the whole day seating in front of the computer. You must take several pauses during the working day, so stand up regularly to stretch or move around.


Get some fresh air

According to the governments measures you must avoid the contact with people as much as possible, which mean that you have to be staying at home the whole day, or the majority part of the day. But, you can always open the window and let a fresh air in the room, or just take a short coffee break on your balcony enjoying the sun outside.

Stay connected with your colleagues

This is very important, especially if you are working on a team. Take care to have constant communication with your colleagues by mails and messages or by a phone call. Share with them your to-do list and the activities you are going to take today so that they will all be upgraded with the latest progress of your work on the projects you are working on.

If you have kids, prepare for disruptions

One of the governmentā€™s measures to avoid the spread of corona virus is to close all the schools through countries, which means that if you are having children, they are at home now too. So, be prepared to be interrupted more times during the day, especially if you donā€™t have a separate room you can use as an office, and even more if your kids are younger, or toddlers. In order to keep them busy with other activities, you can spend the rest of your time (the one left after the work from home) with them dedicating attention and showing love to them, with any of these kids and parents activities during corona virus quarantine.

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