List of Essentials to Bring With You When Camping In The Mountains

Camping is one of the best activities to make with your family or friends when you have free time. It is an amazing way to spend your Sundays or some holidays. Although most people thing spring is the best season for a picnic in the mountains, we do believe that fall is as magical and amazing as spring, and that if you have some plans to make a picnic before the show comes, then autumn is definitely the best season to do it, so start making your plans reality. But before you decide to go in the mountains, enjoying the sun and the fresh air, let us help you with some organizing picnic hacks that will make your picnic easier, because it is really uncomfortable when you go far in the mountain and you realize you forget forks, for example. That is why in this article, we are going to share with you a list of essentials to bring with you when camping in the mountains. Here is the list:

Pots and pans

If you are planning to make some meal and eat it in luxury of the nature full with peace and freshness, then donā€™t forget to take pots and pans that you will use to cook the food in and to boil water and clean all the other kitchen utensils. You donā€™t need to take the whole kitchen with you, but take care to take at least one pot and one pan.


Water filter

This is one of the things you must put on your ā€œmust bring with youā€ list when camping. It may happen to you to run out of all jugs of water you bring with you, and you need to filter clean water to drink. It is best to find some small and compact filter that wonā€™t take up much space.


Coolers are a must for spring or summer camping, because you want your drinks and other foods stay cooler during warm months, but you can pass of this essential when camping in autumn or winter when the weather outside isnā€™t that cool.

Cooking utensils

The best utensils to use for a picnic are the plastic ones. They are more difficult to be broken, and are easier to care. You can use some metal ones too. If you donā€™t have your picnic basket with cooking utensils yet, you better buy one sooner, and use it for your camping adventures. Plates, forks, spoons, knifeā€¦ are just some of the utensils you must bring with you when having a picnic far away of home.

Coffee maker and coffee mugs

There is nothing better that drinking your morning coffee looking in the sky and lying over the grass. So, donā€™t leave your home without bringing your coffee maker with you, and of course at least two coffee mugs or mugs for everybody if there are more people camping with you. Take some ceramic coffee so that you can enjoy the real taste of coffee.


Reusable table cloth

Those camping very often know the importance of a reusable table cloth, as there are so many times when the tables you found in the camping areas sometimes can be moldy, dirty and wet. Having your table clean when eating is definitely a must, because you wonā€™t enjoy eating with all those dirties around your food, would you?

Cleaning sponge, dish soap and strainer

After finishing the meal, you should always clean the dishes you were eating from and the pots you were cooking in. that is why you should always bring cleaning sponge and dish soap with you. You should never leave dirty dishes especially if camping over night, because the food on your dishes can easily attract unwanted visitors during the night.

Fire starter

Donā€™t forget to bring one with you if you are going to make fire during your camping adventure. You will need to start a fire if you are going to cook on fire, or to heat yourself over night when the temperatures go down.


Trash bags

A must! Donā€™t forget to bring a trash bag in which you will collect all the trash you produced during the camping. You should always take care of the nature and not leave trash around you, so collect all the trash, place it in a trash bag and throw it in the nearest trash bin.

A folding table and camping chairs

If you want to be comfortable when experiencing your picnic it is good idea to take some folding table and camping chairs with you. You can use the table to cook and then to serve the food on it and eat the lunch. And cooking chairs are also good idea for a camping must essential, because sometimes, especially in the fall, the grass can be wet in the morning and you couldnā€™t seat on it.






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