Genius!Look Carefully At This Floor Because This Is Not A Hardwood!

My dear friend if you are looking some clever and genius home interior idea that maybe you will want to try this genius mind blowing floor creation.
I’m pretty sure that the most of you would like to have a wooden look on the floor. Hardwood has a gorgeous, natural look, coming in a wide variety of colors, wood grain patterns, and finishes. But even if you opt for engineered hardwood over the real stuff, it can get expensive in a hurry. Maybe you will wish to have something that looks like a hardwood but it is not a hardwood.
What you said about the concrete? I m sure that the first think that comes in your mind when you have rad concrete is that this is so ugly but necessary material. But there are many ways to make plain concrete more attractive, and one method is to paint it and also you can even faux paint concrete to make it look like something else and with that simulating a wood texture will make your cold concrete surface look warm and organic.
Take a look below at the video and see how wonderful it looks like. I want this in my house!


viaĀ Decorative Concrete Kingdom

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