Useful Gardening Tricks Every Gardener Should Know In Order To Grow Healthy Plants

Is gardening one of your favorite hobbies? Do you enjoy planting and growing different kind of plants in your backyard? We are sure that those loving gardening feel no bigger satisfaction than seeing their garden flourish and blooming and looking so eye catching. In this post we are giving you some useful advises that will help you growing your plants as a real professional.


Change Your Tools

One of the best ways to gardening is using your hands and knees for planting, as you probably may do when having to dig the holes you need to plant veggies for example. But when you have so many veggies to plant, you will probably get tired faster when using your hands, so it is recommended to use a pothole digger that will make the process of making deep holes easier and faster. Your planting time will be shorter too and you can use the extra time on other activities, and your back and hands will be thankful to you too.


DIY Spray Collar

In order to get rid of the unwanted weeds you can use weed spray that you can buy from the store, or you can make your own one as explained below. But, always when you spray from the weed spray you are risking spraying from the weed killer over the rest of your plants too. In order to avoid such a risk, you can make your own DIY spray collar. Find an old can or a small plastic bucket and cut off the bottom and the top of it, that way creating a long cylinder. Just place the collar over the weed you want to kill, and spray with the weed killer directly inside the spray collar. This way you are going to protect the rest of your plants easily.


DIY Weed Killer

One of the biggest enemies to your plants is the weeds, those pesky plants that are taking all the useful ingredients from the soil from your plants. In order to get rid of them, you can buy a weed killer from the store, but believe us, those weed killer that we buy from stores are full with chemicals that are dangerous for your plants, and what is even worst will cost you a little fortune. That is why you should consider the option to DIY weed killer by following the weed killer recipe we are going to present you here. All you need is to mix a little dish soap, vinegar and salt, and pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Your weed killer is ready to fight against those awful weeds.



In order to keep your garden nice, fresh, green and healthy you may know that fertilizer is the essential part of gardening and growing healthy plants. Epsom salt is one of the best fertilizers you can use for your garden. It contains magnesium which allows the seeds to germinate and the plants to absorb the vital nutrients from the soil. Use about two teaspoons of Epsom salt mixed with one gallon of water each month and pour the mixture onto the base of plants. You plants will be grateful to you.


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