What to Know Before Relocating to a Perpetually Warm Area

For many of us who have spent our lives in parts of the country known for bitterly cold winters, the prospect of relocating to a perpetually warm area is simply too good to pass up. After spending many winters at the mercy of snow, ice and below-freezing temps, year-round summer is liable to seem like the ideal escape. However, this isn’t to say that life in a perpetually warm part of the country is devoid of difficulties. So, if you’ll soon be calling one of the warmer states home, take care to consider the following factors.

Hydration is Important

To be clear, hydration is important, no matter what part of the country you reside in. However, staying hydrated is particularly crucial for people who spend lengthy amounts of time outdoors in warmer areas. For example, if you have a job that requires you to be outside for most of the day or regularly engage in outdoor exercise, you’d do well to make hydration one of your top priorities.

To help yourself remain consistently hydrated, make sure to always have a drink within easy reach. This is where a dependable water bottle is sure to come in handy. Few things are more uncomfortable than being stuck outdoors on a hot day without ready access to hydration. With this in mind, seek out a water bottle that suits your needs and keep it on your person (or within easy reach) at all times.

You’ll Need Sun Protection

Failing to properly protect yourself from the sun can cause both immediate physical discomfort and long-term health afflictions, like cancer and permanent skin damage. Protection from the sun is particularly important for people who spend a fair amount of time outdoors in warmer climates. For starters, wearing breathable clothing that covers as much skin as possible can be a great way to prevent UV rays from touching your skin. Additionally, applying sunscreen or sunblock to any exposed skin is absolutely vital for anyone who intends to spend more than 10 minutes outdoors. For maximum effectiveness, take care to reapply your sunscreen or sunblock as often as directed by the product’s packaging.

Taking regular breaks from sun exposure can help prevent the above-mentioned health issues and reduce your risk of fatigue and heatstroke. With this in mind, go indoors or retreat to a shaded area whenever you feel yourself getting too warm.

Your Pets Will Also Notice a Difference

If you’re moving with pets, it’s important to realize that they’re also going to be affected by the change in climate, even if they’re unable to vocalize this. As such, you’ll need to take measures to make the transition smoother for your furry friends. For instance, you should avoid leaving dogs outside for long periods in hot weather and make sure that your backyard has at least one heavily shaded area where your pooches can escape the heat. If the climate to which you’re relocating is excessively hot, make sure to keep your pets indoors as much as possible and abstain from leaving them outside unsupervised. Additionally, a vet who’s familiar with the unique needs of your pets should be able to inform you of any other precautions you’ll need to take.

Invest in Good Home Cooling Solutions

Keeping your new home comfortably cool is essential to providing yourself with a cozy oasis from the sweltering heat. To help ensure that your residence is able to maintain favorable indoor temps, invest in a dependable central air conditioner and high-quality ceiling fans, which will be able to effectively circulate the cool air your A/C produces throughout the entire home. Furthermore, if your new home is running low on light fixtures, look into purchasing ceiling fans with lights.

It isn’t hard to see why so many people aspire to live in parts of the country that enjoy year-round warmth. In addition to being uncomfortable, severe winter weather can be outright dangerous and present a variety of dangers. However, this doesn’t mean life in a perpetually warm area is free of problems. As you’ll quickly find in the wake of relocating, such areas come with their own unique challenges. To help ensure that your transition to a warmer climate goes as smoothly as possible, heed the pointers discussed above.

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