14 Simple Easy Things You Can Do to Get Your Kitchen Super Organized

Kitchen – the busiest room in your home. At any time you can cooking, baking, cleaning washing and so on and so on. So the kitchen must be organized must keep it clean and you need to a few easy and simple tips how to do this.
We have collected a few organizing ideas that will take you only a few minutes but will save you hours of working in the kitchen. Take a look below and enjoy!

1.Drawer Knife Block

my 1 source

2.Tame Unruly Drawers

my 2 source

3.Use the insides of your cabinet doors for storage

my 3 source

4.Pegged Compartments

my 4 source

5.Keep spices in matching containers so they’re easier to stack and organize

my 5 source

6.Claim Wasted Space

my 6 source

7.Hang up measuring cups and spoons on a wall or cabinet door

my 7 source

8.Magnetic Spice Rack

my 8 source

9.Make more of an island with a solid back by adding storage bars and bins

my 9 source

10.Pantry Dividers

my 10 source

11.Shaped Storage Tray

my 11 source

12.Hanging Baskets

my 12 source

13.How to Organize Your Spice Cabinet

my 13 source

14.Position a collapsible wine rack along a lower shelf to keep bottles on their sides

my 14 source

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