You’ve Been Cutting Cakes Wrong Your Entire Life. What is The Right Way?

You love to eat cake or to serve cakes when you are together with your loved ones, but i m sure that you are never able to catch the end when you need to cut it.
If you had a habit of cutting the cake on triangles, then you make the most common mistake, because it dries quickly inside cake and has not the same taste in just one day. The problem is solved after that guy will show you a new way of cutting tha cake and this way will keep your cake fresh and juicy much more days.
The technique is a mathematical trick supposedly existing since 1906 year.To get the most out of your cake, start by cutting two slices down the middle. You can then cut that big slice into pieces for people to eat
It is Never too late to learn something useful take a look the video below and enjoy!


via Numberphile

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