We are sure that you all are busy you work a lot and you also need some rest. But cleaning is also one very important part from our life and always when we talk about cleaning our homes and our stuff we have always some difficulties choosing the wrong accessories that we need for done this job.
In this post we have collected one practical DIY projects and tips that will help you a lot with cleaning your home, your car, kids toys and a lot of your everyday stuff. We have carefully selected this very great tips just for you and we think that you should know them and start using it. Enjoy!
Clean blinds with an old sock
Swift Dust Socks
Clean your window tracks
How to Clean Your Bathtub
How to clean a sandwich maker
DIY Car Upholstery Cleaner
How to clean a blender
How to Easily Clean Kids Toys
Thank you for sharing! These are really useful tips. I tried to clean the blinds with an old sock and it really worked. It’s so simple but yet original. Now I’m trying to deal with the chores on my own. What I did before was to call professional window cleaners and they cleaned all the windows in my home perfectly, but the pleasure of doing everything by yourself is incredible!