My friend nowadays with the rise of the technology everything is easy to be done to be edited or to be made fake. The same is wit the photos with the developing on a lot of tools for photo editing sometimes for me is really hard to believe that the photo is real.
It’s difficult to tell the difference between fiction and reality – especially when creative minds use their skills to smudge the line between the two. But below you can see 100% real photos that will take your breath away. Even though it’s hard to believe, they are totally, 100% real, i wish some of them wasn’t but yes they are. Take a look below and enjoy!
1.Spiders climbed trees to avoid flooding in Pakistan.
2.A Frying pan beach sculpture in Sydney, Australia.
3.Neon blue lava pours from Indonesia’s Kawah Ijen Volcano. The reason it’s blue is because the mountain contains large amounts of pure sulfur, which emits an icy violet colors as it turns.
4.Stunning photo by Philippe Ramette. This is not photoshopped (proof inside).
5.Rubber Ducky, you’re so Huge!
6.An airplane landing at St. Maarten airport
7.A tennis court on top of a Dubai tower
8.The landscape of the Namib Desert in southern Africa.
9.Amazing Icelandic river almost looks like an optical illusion.
10.Largest horn circumference – steer (ever)
11.World’s fluffiest bunny
12.The plughole at the Ladybower Reservoir in the UK. The hole is actually man-made to prevent the dam from flooding.
13.Footprints are carved into the floorboards by monk who has prayed at the same spot for 20 years
14.The ocean is inside of this opal
15.Road splits perfectly in half
16.Camel Thorn Trees, Namibia
17.Grand Prismatic Spring, Yellowstone National Park, U.S.
Just amazing!