3 Easy and Inexpensive Ways To Whiten Your Teeth At Home in Just 3 Minutes

Healthy teeth should be our priority, because they are an important part of us and should serve us for many years.Ā One of the biggest problems faced by many people is the appearance of teeth. Nutrition, hygiene and smoking cause staining for you teeth, and in any case does not look attractive.

Glittering smile that we are watching every day on the Hollywood stars is desirable by many. But not to be lying this could not be achieved only with good oral hygiene with the professional help of theĀ Dentist in Orlando. For this you will need a profesional whitening that is very expensive and in any case this is not for a long time.
If you dream to have white teeth, but do not want to risk whitening dentist, there are several natural recipes that can help you get a few shades whiter teeth.

Baking soda

The most common home “remedy” for bleaching teeth is baking soda. The good news is that it is very effective, but the bad news is that there is an abrasive effect and if it is used often can cause damage on the outer layer of the teeth .home-teeth-whitening-2image viaĀ beautytips4her.com

How to use?
Dip the brush teeth with water and put the brush into baking soda. Based brush should not have much soda. Rub your teeth with a circular motion for 2-3 minutes, and if you keep up to 5 minutes.
Then rinse with water several times or wash your teeth with toothpaste for whitening.


Strawberries are a completely natural way of whitening teeth, and therefore many people choose to take and check their effect. Indeed, strawberries contain enzymes that whiten teeth, although their effect is very small.

123image viaĀ lifehacker.com

How to use?
Take 2-3 strawberries and mash them. Put on the toothbrush and brush your teeth three minutes. Or, you can cut a strawberry in half and rub it to your teeth.
Strawberries contain sugar and acids that remove stains from teeth and make them whiter, but at the same time soften the enamel of the teeth. Therefore, by use of this method for bleaching, it is necessary to wash your teeth with toothpaste to remove sugars and acids that remain.


Very common method of your teeth whitening is a method using hydrogen. Hydrogen shall enter into composition of many creams and other products for whitening teeth. It really helps in whitening teeth, but tastes bad and can harm your teeth.home-teeth-whitening-1image viaĀ beautytips4her.com

How to use?
Use a 1% or 3% hydrogen. Rinse your mouth for 30 seconds with 2-3 teaspoons of hydrogen. Spit it out and then rinse your mouth thoroughly with water or even better brush your teeth with toothpaste to make sure that no more hydrogen in the mouth.
Hydrogen is safe to suck, but you should be very careful not to swallow it. When using hydrogen it is possible your gums become irritated.


A common practice is to combine different products to create effective “teeth whitening”. examples:
2 teaspoons baking soda and 3 teaspoons of hydrogen.
1 Blend strawberries and Ā½ teaspoon baking soda.
Lemon juice is another known method for whitening, but is not recommended because it softens the enamel of the teeth and makes your teeth more sensitive.

Attention! If you plan to use any of the many recipes for whitening teeth at home, it is important to take measures to protect against side effects. First you have to be careful you are not allergic to the ingredients, and the second – do not use often, because it can damage your teeth.
After the use of any home remedies, rinse mouth thoroughly or wash your teeth with toothpaste.

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