5 Things You Shouldn’t Do When You Go Camping

Camping can be a memorable experience that you will never forget. Connecting with nature. Bonding as a family. Or just clearing your head from life’s problems. These are some ways that camping can be an unbelievable experience.

For some, it is memorable because they did everything wrong and had a terrible trip!

Camping is fun when done right, but uncomfortable and even dangerous if you make some common mistakes.

In this article, I will go over some of the things you shouldn’t do when you go camping. Do the opposite of these things and have a great time.

1 – Bring equipment you don’t know how to use

Tents are much easier to set up these days than they ever used to be, but they still do require some know how. Make sure to figure out how to set it up before you get to the campsite. And, make sure you have the right tent for the conditions and for the number of people you have with you. The best way is to research Outdoorcommand tent reviews before you buy.

That goes for any equipment. Your stove is going to cook your food so if you wait until you get on site to figure it out, you may be going hungry for a while if you have trouble with it.

Assuming you do figure things out and get everything working properly when you arrive, you’ve wasted valuable camping time. Knowing the right way to do things before you get there is going to save you time at the camp so you can do more relaxing in the limited time you have.

2 – Get there when it’s dark

Even when you know exactly how to set up your tent and other gear, if you have to do it in the dark it is going to be very difficult.

There are a lot of obstacles that you simply won’t see when trying to get your tent up. Since you need a flat and clear surface where you decide to pitch, you probably won’t have that if you can’t see the rocks, sticks and lumps of dirt.

3 – Leave your food out 

Don’t forget that when you are out in nature, that there are plenty of animals around. You may not see many because they stay well hidden when people are around. If they smell your food, however, then you can be sure that they won’t be hidden long.

You may just face the inconvenience of some small critters getting into your food leaving you with nothing to eat. Or, you could face a dangerous situation if that critter happens to be a big, hungry bear.

Seal your food well and keep it out of reach of any animals. If your car is on site with you then keep it there. Otherwise, hang it from a tree branch in a sealed bag.

4 – Forget to dress for the weather

One of the surest ways to ruin a camping trip is to be too cold. It may have been warm when you left your house, but it can be cold out in the woods or in the hills. If you bring lots of layers then you can lose them as it warms up so you don’t overheat.

But, if you don’t have enough layers, then you will always feel cold and uncomfortable.

You should always have something in case it is wet, too. A poncho or waterproof clothing will go a long way if it rains unexpectedly.

Have a dry bag packed in case of serious rain so you can keep your stuff dry, but also have a change of dry clothes in a pinch.

5 – Be a bad neighbor

Chances are there will be other campers around unless you are wild camping in the middle of nowhere.

It is common courtesy to be considerate of other people while you are out there.

This means that you shouldn’t be playing loud music all day and especially after dark. If you drink too much and cause a disturbance in the camp then you will not be making many friends there.

And when you leave your site, even for just a little while, make sure your fire it out completely. Lastly, leave your site cleaner than when you got there. If it is a campsite you intend to return to, you may have gotten enough complaints that the management denies your reservation.

Not only is being courteous the right thing to do, but you may rely on your neighbors for help and if they don’t like you then they will not be keen on helping you out.

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