8 Things to Consider Before Decorating Your Home

It’s that time of the decade (or two) again. Your house is starting to feel stale and you get the feeling everything needs to be livened up. This probably means you’re due for a redecoration, but unfortunately it’s not always as easy as saying it. You want to change the place up and completely revamp the vibe, but at the same time you don’t want to end up selling your car to do it.

These are some tips to consider before you go down that slippery redecoration road.

1. Determine the purpose of the room

Though it might seem obvious, there’s actually more to this than you might think. Yes, there are rooms that are going to be a no brainer, like dining rooms where you’ll eat or a bedroom where you’ll sleep. But there are rooms that just have more of them. A living room doesn’t have the same usage for everyone; some will change it into a game room, and others want it to be their own little cinema with a big screen TV and a sound system. The colors, themes, and décor will differ according to that preference. That is why determining what you want the room for should always be the first step.

2. Research

You have to do some research to find out what you need and the market price ranges. You might find that there are some things you can do at home yourself. Say you want to make a bookshelf and you’ve always been good with your hands, so it’s not impossible to go and make that shelf yourself. Cozy Down Home can give you great insight into many different reviews on tools to get a clear idea on which ones you can use, for what purpose and their price range. Get the tools, do some online research, and before you know it you’ll have a shelf IKEA couldn’t dream of, in a way.

3. Budget

After the research, you have to set a budget before you start the process. Know your limits and don’t exceed them, and according to those determine if you’re going with the silk sheets or the cotton ones. Also, pro tip: flea markets and second hand shops; you’ll find hidden gems there beyond your wildest dreams.

4. Space

Don’t cram up the entire room so soon. Leave some wiggle room in case you decide to change or add anything; even leaving the space empty makes the room look larger and more sophisticated, if done properly.

5. Colors

Probably the most important decision you’re going to take when it comes to the renovations, colors are what make or break a home decoration. Take your time and think if the colors will go with the furniture pieces that are there –– or newer ones if you’re going to buy –– and make sure the place looks coherent and everything goes well together.

6. Lighting

Light has to play in your decorating plan, something many people overlook surprisingly. The way you light a room can completely change the layout and the perception of a room.

7. Less is more

You don’t have to go and buy the most expensive armchair or chandelier. Keep things simple and elegant, and try centering the room around one piece and then work your way from that. A minimalist approach goes a long way if done properly.

8. Make your own style

Yes, you should get acquainted with other styles before starting the redecoration, but that doesn’t mean you have to do something that’s not you. You can mix between styles as long as they express who you are. It sure beats going for an elegant style that goes against everything you are.


Decorating your home is not easy, but it can be extremely fun if you let yourself go and enjoyed the process. It doesn’t have to be the expensive, cumbersome process people make it to be. It can just be you playing with colors, lights, and furniture pieces to make the home a little bit closer to who you are right now as a person. And if that happens, rest assured your guests will get that vibe almost instantly. Even more importantly, your house will feel just a little bit more like home.

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