A DIY guide to home remodelling

The only constant thing in life is change. This statement doesn’t only pertain to our lives. Although 20 years ago you may have reluctantly agreed to the decorating suggestions of your spouse, that was 20 years ago. As time passes, people gain wisdom. So did you. Despite the probability of you going postal because of your home’s interior design remains low, you might feel that updating the current surroundings would be in the best interest of everyone nearby.

If you are not sure how you should start home remodelling, then read on. This article will show you how to proceed with this effort-consuming, but ultimately satisfying project.


Although most likely you’d love to be done with the project as soon as possible, if you want it to end up just fine, you’ll need to sketch out your ideas first. The thing is, not everything that seems amazing in our heads remains this way when brought into reality. That’s why before you start hammering and cutting, you should put everything down in writing.

Don’t worry If you are unsure about the details. For now, your task isn’t to sketch out the entire project and follow it closely as you progress with your work. Instead, it is meant to show you if everything more or less makes sense.

Set up a budget

If you have a clear vision of how you want to remodel your home, you should make a list of everything that you need to buy. Is there anything that is outside of your field of expertise? Then add the costs of labour.

After you sum up every expense, you must be ready to make a tough decision. Is making your vision come true worth it? Once you reevaluate your home renovations project and make necessary adjustments, you can progress to the next stage.

The bureaucracy

Depending on the type of remodelling, you may need to acquire a necessary permit. We all dislike the ubiquitous bureaucracy, but unfortunately omitting this step could result in high fines. If you intend to paint the walls a different colour, then don’t bother with it. If you have something more grandiose in mind, though, like knocking down a wall, it’s best to check if you don’t need to fill out any applications first.

Get inspired!

No one has doubts about the quality of your ideas, but two heads are better than one, and the internet is better than two heads. There are countless blogs and forums that deal with captivating ideas regarding how to remodel your home. Not only will they inspire you – you’ll also be able to learn how to surmount any obstacles that will undoubtedly appear along the way. You cannot predict how your journey will look like exactly, but your best bet at getting a glimpse into the future is to look to others.

Alternatively, you can ask your friends about their home remodelling stories. Not only can you learn something new, but they might even be willing to lend you a hand!

Be flexible!

Not everything will go precisely as you planned. That’s a sad realization, but it’s true nonetheless. It’s best to allow yourself to exceed your budget by a certain amount, but don’t cross this line twice! It is possible that along the way you’ll discover that you may have underestimated the amount of effort you must put into your project. Through hardships to the stars, as they say.

Be careful

It’s understandable that you are excited, but though it may be tempting to do otherwise, you should focus on one step at a time, in proper order. It means that before you start painting your room, you should cover all your furniture that cannot be moved somewhere else with drop cloths. This way, you’ll be able to focus on your work, and won’t have to worry about the splatters.

Likewise, if there’s a chance that through your vigorous work, you could accidentally damage some easily-breakable items, you should remove them before you start your work. If your idea of home remodelling involves swinging your hammer like there’s an ongoing invasion of gigantic mosquitoes, make sure that no innocent lamp or table gets violated during the process.

The fruits of your labour

Once you are done, you’ll most probably admit that not everything went according to the plan. It won’t matter though; if you have managed to finish your project. We cannot control all the circumstances, but we can control our reactions. The end result will reflect the amount of time and effort that you have dedicated to this project. If your inner critic has expressed his opinion, you’ll know on which part you should put more focus, once you start another project. If he remains silent, though, it means that you have not diverged from the initial design that prompted you to take action.

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