Absolutely Smart: Here’s How To Seal A Bag Of Chips Without A Clip. Never Knew It Was This Simple!

The potato chips bag clips are great and useful but there are also a lot of situation when we need to seal our chips bag but cant find the clips. So in this was the reason why we have do our best to searching the best tip for seal a bag of chips without clips. We have came up into one super cool video tutorial and we want to share this with you.
This is really genius idea and we were so impressed when see this advice. From now be sure that you will never need clips for seal a bag of chips.
This technique will save you a ton of hassle as well as money as you will not need to buy bag clips anymore.how to seal

There’s no excuse not to use this technique as it takes a whopping 5 seconds to do! That’s about 300 times faster than it takes to find the clip and attach it! Check this out, it even seals the bag better than clips do! Enjoy!

SF Globe

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